I hope it's okay to ask for fic recs here. I checked the rules and saw that it says you can make them, but no mention of asking for them.
Trio fics - particularly Harry/Ron/Hermione trio fics - were my first love in fanfiction. I've since branched out to read other trios - especially Harry/Draco/Hermione, and quite frankly, I find Drarry fics (and sometimes Snarry fics) nearly impossible to resist.
After 10+ years of reading HP fanfiction, my husband has finally cottoned-on to the reality that it's not all "G" rated and he wants to know what I find so appealing about it ... why isn't it just weird to read about all these fictional little kids (because that's his view of them) having sex?
So ... I am on a mission to find THE HOTTEST trio fic imaginable for him to read. The first stories that come to my mind in the hottest fics category are slash because that's what I've read the most of recently, and that would NOT be something that would impress him. But at the same time, I don't want to look for the hottest het fic just for the sake of impressing him because, quite frankly, it's the m/m dynamic that kicks up the heat a notch or ten for me, and I need the female presence so I can imagine myself in her place. He may find the m/m elements a little squicky for himself, but he needs to know what does it for me.
SO ... I'm begging all of you readers and writers of the great fanfiction that I've come to love over the years - help me pick a really hot trio fic for my hubby to lose his fanfiction cherry on. I'm more concerned that the trio be m/m/f (as opposed to f/f/m) than I am about who is in the trio, but my personal tastes do lean toward either Harry/Ron/Hermione or Harry/Draco/Hermione and this is all about him seeing what keeps me reading this stuff year after year.