Happy Halloween, jenl3227!

Nov 01, 2011 21:36

Trick or Treat!
LiveJournal username: misselizabeth12
Title: Warrior
Prompt: Masquerade
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Minimal sexual implications
Word Count: 1,331

Miss Hermione Granger
Your attendance is requested at Hogwarts 563rd annual Halloween Masquerade
Saturday 31st October
7pm til Midnight
Dress: Costume
RSVP: 20th of October

Hermione’s hands trembled slightly as she set down the embossed invitation on her dresser. While the ball came as no surprise to her - Professor McGonagall had told the heads weeks ago - the thought of having to primp and pout for the night sent shivers down her spine.

Hermione’s eyes automatically traced up to the mirror in front of her. Curly brown hair (finally having lost the bushiness over the years), creamy pale skin (too much time in the library), pink, bee stung lips, warm cinnamon eyes and a slim, but curvy body.

What could she go as? Assuming that she went to the ball at all. The N.E.W.T.S were coming up, and they couldn’t really afford to sacrifice a whole night of revision. Plus her Head duties. Really it was a better idea that she didn’t go.

The tiny rebellious streak deep inside the Head Girl’s mind work. For some reason it sounded like Ginny. Why wouldn’t she go? She already knew everything for N.E.W.T.S and it wasn’t like she wasn’t already top of her year. So what if she gave up a few hours? Plus McGonagall wouldn’t issue invitations to anyone she didn’t expect to go. Plus, it was practically her duty as Head to go! She would set an example to younger students how to behave!

Aaaaannd a certain sexy blonde Slytherin was sure to be there the Ginny-voice sung in her head You could steal yourself a steamy ki-

And right there. There’s the limit. Hermione sighed to herself. So maybe she would go to the ball. But what would she wear?

Hermione was pondering on the Pros and Cons of Alice in Wonderland when two hands landed on her shoulders.
“’Mione! Have you got the ball invite yet! Ohhhh, what are you going as? I was thinking of going as a Sexy Devil - you know for my hair!” Ginny was super excited - her hair flew all over the place, and her face practically glowed.

“Hey Gin. I’ve been thinking as going as Alice in Wonderland.” Seeing her friend’s eye light up, Hermione hastily added “The non-sexy one.” Crisis averted.


“Shhhhhh!” Madam Pince’s bony nose appeared around the corner of the nearest shelf, and she sent a black look at Ginny before prowling off to scold some other students.

Ginny made a face for a moment, before continuing in a Pince-approved-whisper.

“cannot even think going as something so, so, so boring!” Red hair crackled around her face as she glared at the shorter brunette. Hermione was slightly surprised at her friends ferocity (it was just a dance after all. Right?)

Ginny looked Hermione up and down. She rolled her eyes at the beyond-school-standard uniform and the ink-stained hands. She seized Hermione by the wrist and started to town her out of the library, pausing to summon Hermione’s bag and books.

“Let’s go. We have a LOT of work to do.”

Hermione stumbled wearily into the changing room in Minni’s Magical Costuming and Masquerade: Hogsmeade. Hermione would try on a costume and walk outside to Ginny, who would immediately comment on it. At first Hermione would join in, or protest some of her more ‘exotic’ choices, but at this point she was just too tired. The constant blur of colours and fabrics was beginning to make her head ache, and she just wanted to find a dammed costume and go back to Hogwarts. Finished changing, Hermione stepped out for the 83rd time, to be met with excited squeals from Ginny.

“This is IT! This is the one! Oh my god Hermione! You look amazing!”

Oh good. Its finally over

But turning to look in the mirror, even Hermione had to admit, she looked hot. Now she just had to find someone to match it with.

Arm in arm, Hermione and Ginny walked down the stairs to the Great Hall. Hermione’s stomach swarmed with butterflies and her legs shook slightly. A sense of Déjà vu overwhelmed her. 4 years ago, she had walked down these same staircase, alone, in her pale blue periwinkle dress, to meet Victor Krum. Back then, she had also been consumed with nervousness.

That seemed like a million years ago now.

Hermione was dressed as a Roman warrior lady. She had a black leather breast plate that hugged her cruves, accentuated by golden embellishment. A white linen mini-skirt had black leather pleats covering it, which ended at mid-thigh. Leather lace up greaves laced up over her wrists and calf high golden gladiator sandal completed the outfit. Her hair was glamoured golden, with baby blue eyes. She looked sophisticated, elegant and very, very sexy.

At the bottom of the staircase, Ginny smiled and patted Hermione’s arm reassuringly.

“Got to go ‘Mione. I promised to meet Harry outside!” She ran off (or ran as well as any woman could in 5 inch high heels and a glitzy mini dress, an enchanted halo hovering above her hair, glamoured black for the night.)

Hermione shivered slightly in nights breeze, before glancing around, searching for a familiar face among the elaborate feathered masks and glitzy jewels.

Against the bright colour, a single black figure stood out. He leaned casually against the wall, exuding a sexy, dangerous air. He has wearing black leather armour, which perfectly complimented a toned chest and muscled arms. His hair, glamoured golden for the night, matched her own, and his skin was more tanned than usual. But the strong features and chiseled jar line she remembered. But his eye, the same shade of piercing silver gray drilled into her own before he pushed off from the wall, bowed slightly and walked out into the deserted garden, silhouetted against the twilight.

Hermione glanced around her. No-one was watching. Tonight, she could be daring. With a final furtive glace, Hermione followed her dark warrior into the garden.

She stepped out into the crisp night air. The glow of the hall dimmed out here, and within 10 steps, she was in darkness. A pair of muscled arms wrapped around her waist. His cool breath ticked her cheek.

“You were brave to come out here. What made you follow a man you didn’t know into a garden alone, in the dark, especially dressed like that. Why Granger?”

It was time to be bold. Hermione heart thudded in her chest, and she turned in him arms.

“But I know you Draco. Tonight, we are anyone but ourselves. So I want to know the truth. Tomorrow, we can pretend that this never happened. We’ll go back to whatever we were before. But walk away now Draco, or just give me tonight.”

He looked down at her for a moment, those mercurial liquid eyes shining in the faint moonlight. Hermione’s heart thudded in her chest. The rest of the world dissipated in that moment. It was just him and her and the stars. Nothing else.

And then he leaned down and their lips connected.

Sparks ran through two bodies, a lights shone in two eyes. They clung to each other, their embrace growing deeper, as two forms became one.

Finally he pulled away. Hermione still clung to her him, savoring the cool taste of him mouth on hers.
“Take them off.”


“Take off the glamours, Princess. I want to see you.” He clarified, his voice a harsh whisper in her ear.
With a shaking hand Hermione withdraw her wand from its hidden pocket. Hair returned to it chocolate waves, a eyes transformed from sky to cinnamon. Draco had already removed his glamours. Silver eyes met brown and with exquisite care, Draco traced the panes of her face, the soft contours of her jaw, her cheeks. Her lips. He bent down the inches between them.

“I’ve always been yours, Princess. Only now we both know it.”

2011, writer: margaritaabate, recipient: jenl3227

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