Happy Halloween, asentia

Nov 01, 2011 16:11

Trick or Treat!
Title: Lucky October
LiveJournal username: margaritaabate
Prompt: October
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: It’s sho FLUUUFFFY!
Summary:Word Count: 2,887
Author Notes: I was in such a fluffy and romantic mood, I have no idea what came over me!

Hermione Granger loved fall. She loved the smell of rain in the air, the chill in her bones, and the slightly overcast sky with its hues of pewter and slate clouds dancing with the rays of sun that, at times, attempted to penetrate its dense fortress.

There was calming quality to October. It marked a change in more than just the weather. It also felt as if something was about to happen. For Hermione, October was a marker for many important moments in her life. It was she’d become true friends with Harry and Ron. One mid-October she’d gone home for the weekend and had her first real kiss from the Muggle boy she’d grown up with next door - she never mentioned it to anyone, as she’d treasured it dearly. She realized her feelings for Ron were truly deeper than a mere crush on a chilly October morning watching him try out for Quidditch. Upon graduating from Hogwarts, she’d been promoted mere months of her first job - October 7. It was also October when she’d found her parents in Australia and restored their memories - despite an awkward reunion, Hermione had been so happy to hug her mother and father once more.

There were many happy memories but also some not so cheerful ones.

October was also the month she and Ron had ended their five year relationship. It just wasn’t working and Hermione had realized that she and Ron just weren’t compatible. She wanted to focus on her career and enjoy her young adulthood. He wanted to settle down, get married and have babies. The pressure was too much for her. Finally, she had broken up with Ron. He was angry but she held fast, certain that they wouldn’t make each other happy. After a year of tense feelings, uncomfortable glances and moments of awkward silence, they had found their way back to an easy friendship. October was the month of reaching a mutual understanding. Ron had found a witch that wanted the same life while Hermione continued to pursue her career. It was only a few weeks post their break-up, towards the end of October, that she’d shorn her hair into a pixie cut as a symbol of shedding her past and looking forward to her future. She’d kept it that way for the last year, enjoying the freedom of not having to deal with her unruly hair.

October was a good month.

At twenty-six, Hermione was content. She felt her life was on track and enjoyed all the sweet fruits of her single, young life. And with another October looming on the horizon, she knew things would only get better.

After a particularly long work week, Hermione found herself relishing some quiet time, on a Friday night, at the new wizarding pub The Gilded Lily. It was owned by her friend Luna Lovegood and new husband, Rolf Scamander. The couple had met during a trek to the Andes when Luna had gone in search of some elusive, mythical creature which she was sure lived somewhere between Argentina and Chile. Rolf was an adventurous wizard trekking through the mountains. Somehow, they’d met and love had struck. Hermione recalled it was during the month of October. Though the couple had married in high summer, they still celebrated their meeting in the fall.

The pub itself was expertly designed in rich tones of gold and brown, leather banquettes decorated the edges of the establishment and the beautiful oak tables with high-back chairs graced the center. Hermione sat in a one of the comfortable banquettes, situated in the back facing a roaring hearth that blazed merrily.

“Hello, Hermione.” Luna Lovegood Scamander was standing by Hermione’s table with her trademark dreamy grin across her lips.

Smiling, the brunette witch replied, “Hello, Luna. How are you and Rolf?” She stood to envelope her friend in a warm hug. “Join me for a bit?”

Luna sat and motioned to the bar maid. “Please bring us two warm butterbeers. I’d like the artichoke and walnut salad. For Hermione, please bring her our spiced parsnip and Bramley apple soup. Then, I think we’ll both share the Gressingham duck breast with rosti and spiced red cabbage along with the rhubarb and ginger crumble with custard for dessert. Thank you.”

The bar maid took the order and left the two young women to enjoy their company.

Hermione laughed good-naturedly. “Honestly, Luna. You didn’t have to order all that food. “

“You’re hungry, aren’t you?”

“Well, yes, but . . .”

“I knew that which is why I ordered us a meal. Now, how are you, Hermione?”

Sighing heavily, Hermione grinned. Luna was Luna and she would never change. “I’m well. Tired. Too much work.”

“Well, don’t worry; October is here, at last. Your true love is just around the corner.”

Spared from a reply because at that moment their drinks arrived, Hermione sat back perplexed. “Pardon? Did you say true love? What are you on about, Luna? I’m not looking for love.”

“Yes, but love is looking for you, Hermione. Don’t worry, it’ll all be fine. True love will be here any moment now. I promise that while he may not be what you expect, he’s perfect for you. Trust me.”

“Luna, now you’re really not making sense. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That’s all right, Hermione. Oh, look, our soup and salad are here. Tell me what you think of the soup, it’s a new recipe Rolf is trying out.”

At just like that, the conversation turned to more common, everyday topics. The soup, Hermione found, was spectacular. As was the duck and custard. Rolf was a budding chef and his creations were becoming the talk of wizarding London.

A while later, Luna had excused herself and Hermione was still enjoying the fire and her second butterbeer, most of the patrons had already left and the silence was welcoming. Eyes closed and mind relaxed, she heard the door to the pub open and shut. Breathing deeply, she opened her eyes to find Draco Malfoy shrugging out of a stylish Muggle trench coat, then making his way to one of the center tables directly in front of hers.

Hermione studied him quietly. Draco Malfoy worked at the Ministry of Magic in the Auror department. He’d been pardoned for his activities in the war - his age and his mother’s saving of Harry had gone a long way in the eyes of the Wizengamot. Draco worked under Harry himself as a Senior Auror. He’d worked hard to earn his position, according to Harry. While Hermione didn’t really speak much to the younger Malfoy, she’d heard he kept mostly to himself. From what she knew, he’d moved from his ancestral home to a flat somewhere in Muggle London, of all places. Rumors bespoke of a broken engagement to one of the younger Greengrass sisters. Apparently, Draco wanted to make his own choices after the frightful childhood he’d experienced under Voldemort’s shadow and threat to his family. Harry had commented that Draco would never be anyone’s puppet again.

Hermione rarely dealt with him and never spoke to him. She remembered vividly the first time he’d seen her after the war - he’d seemed shocked and, almost immediately, he’d drawn up this cool, emotionless façade. Naturally, they’d bump into each other in the Ministry halls, one of the lifts or when she’d stop by Harry’s office. Hermione would give a polite nod and tentative smile, while he would return the nod and stare at her with those storm-cloud colored eyes.

He was a handsome man. Draco had outgrown the lanky and sickly look that had plagued him during sixth year and carried over into seventh. Now, after the rigorous Auror training and growing up, he was about six feet tall and with a fit, muscular frame. Gone was the pointy look of his face and in its place was a rugged countenance that was complimented by his unusual eyes and trademark hair worn in short, shaggy layers.

Looking away, lest she be caught ogling, Hermione took a sip of her butterbeer and closed her eyes again.

Moments later she heard a shuffling noise followed by a deep, male voice. “Granger? Is that you?”

Opening her eyes, she looked up at Draco. “Hello, Malfoy.”

“So, it is you. I can’t get over your hair. It’s a bit shocking and I have to remind myself that it’s you.” He was grinning widely.

Unsure if he was teasing or making fun of her, Hermione answered in a nonchalant manner with a shrug of her shoulder. “I’m going to take that as a compliment, Malfoy.”

“It couldn’t be anything else, Granger. I assure you.” He looked around the pub. “Listen, it seems we’re the only two here so I hope you don’t mind if I join you.” Turning, he grabbed his trench and came back to slide into the banquette next to Hermione.

“Hey, Malfoy. I didn’t say you could join me. What do you think you’re doing?”

Smirking, he settled in and motioned to the bar maid. “I’m sitting down to have dinner next to a beautiful woman with whom I’m looking forward to having a scintillating conversation about a variety of topics. Let me order something . . . I assume you’ve eaten but if you’d like anything just let say so.”

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs of comfort, Hermione sat gobsmacked at the fact that Draco Malfoy was sitting talking to her in a public venue. And he was about to have dinner with her. And he’d called her beautiful.

Hermione watched him order dinner and waited until they were alone. “Are you feeling all right, Malfoy?”

“Quite, Granger. You?”

“I’m fine.”

“Right . . . so, how are you? And why are you sitting here with your eyes closed in a pub?”

“Sorry, one moment . . . why are you sitting with me?”

“I thought we’d already established that, Granger. I’m having dinner and we’re the only two people here. I hate eating alone and I’d rather the company of a lovely woman than an empty chair.”

“Stop right there . . . since when do you think I’m . . . beautiful? Or lovely?”

“Fishing for compliments, are you? Never took you for the type.”

Feeling her face flush in anger, Hermione answered indignantly. “How dare you? I don’t . . . I would never . . . I’m just surprised that you’d sit here with a Mu . . .”

“Don’t you finish that sentence . . .”

“ . . .uggle-Born. Me particularly. You never speak to me . . .”

“Speak to you? Woman, you run every time . . .”

“ . . . or even look at me . . .”

“ . . . I see you. And look at you, how could I not . . .”

“ . . . truly, don’t understand what you want, Malfoy . . .”

“ . . . bloody gorgeous, you are. Don’t even realize it, for someone so intelligent . . .”

“ . . . better not be planning on being a prat.”

“ . . . can be so dense.”

“Er, excuse me, sir. Your firewhiskey.” The bar maid had appeared at their table, put down Draco’s drink then made a hasty retreat.

Hermione and Draco stared at each other. The beginning of a smile played along Hermione’s lips and suddenly, both burst out in laughter.

Shaking her head, the brunette, took a sip of her butterbeer. “Merlin, I’ve no idea what just happened.”

“No idea, but I think we frightened that girl. I’m expecting Luna and Rolf to come out here and box our ears.”

Hermione groaned. “I hope not. I just want to relax.”

“Long day? I know the feeling.”

And just like that, the conversation flowed easily. Before they knew it, the clock had struck one in the morning and Luna came to gently usher them out. “Time to close up, you two. Draco, see Hermione home, won’t you? Hermione, don’t forget to thank Draco - a good night kiss should do.”

Eyes widening in embarrassment, Hermione screeched. “Luna!” In all honesty, Hermione had wondered what kissing the handsome wizard would be like. She’d enjoyed this impromptu evening and found herself attracted to him by evening’s end.

“Oh, Hermione. It’s obvious you want him to kiss you. And he wants too, as well. He likes your short hair - he thinks it’s sexy, don’t you, Draco. Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine. Good night, you two.”

The couple walked out. Hermione laughed nervously. “I’m sorry. Sometimes she says the oddest thing.” She turned her head, afraid to look at him.

“They may be odd, but it’s the truth.”

Looking up, sharply; she stared at him in confusion. “Pardon?”

“Granger, come on. We’re both adults. I want to kiss you. And I do like you’re hair, it’s sexy as hell.” He took a step closer.

“Oh, really?” Her voice was a whisper.

“Really . . .”

Hermione felt rooted to the spot as he invaded her space and drew her close. One hand cupped her face as he bent his head. The kiss was tentative - only the barest whisper on her lips, at first. Then she wound her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. She kissed him back and glided her tongue along his lips. With a groan, he bit her bottom lip and slide into her mouth.

It was soft yet hard. He was tasting and claiming her at the same time. Here was a man who took charge of his woman without overpowering. It sent tingles along her skin, caused her chest to constrict and set her core aflame. He was stoking a fire within her to a burning blaze. Her entire body felt deliciously alive and all she wanted to do was wrap her body around his and hold on tight.

They finally broke apart for air. Gasping, yet neither let go of the other. Hermione nuzzled her face into his chest as he rested his chin on her head.

He spoke first. “Bloody hell, that was . . .”

“Amazing,” she replied, breathlessly.

Draco chuckled. “I think that’s an understatement.” He tucked a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Let’s get you home, yeah?”

She nodded. “Hold on.” Wrapping their arms around each other, Hermione then Apparated them to the outside of her flat. She let go, reluctantly. “If anyone had told me that I’d be snogging Draco Malfoy tonight, I’d have hexed them.”

“Oi, witch; what’s that supposed to mean? I’ll have you know I’m a man in high demand,” he teased.

Laughing, Hermione pulled him towards her. “Shut up and kiss me good night.”

Draco kissed her again. One kiss turned into two which became three with Hermione pushed up against her door. He pushed himself away. “I think I’d better stop, or I won’t be able too. Listen, Granger . . .”

Hermione stared up at him. Trepidation had crawled into her heart. This was the part where he noted he couldn’t see her because of her blood status. What would his parents say and his friends think? Steeling herself against rejection, she missed what he said, entirely.

“Did you hear what I said?”

“Hmmm . . .? Oh, it’s all right. I understand.”

She went to push him away but he caught her hands in his. “You didn’t hear a word I said. Goodness, Granger . . . I asked if I could see you again? I know I’m not exactly an ideal catch, with my history and all but . . .”

“You want to see me? Again? As in a date?”

“Yes, if you’ll have me.”

“Oh, I . . . yes , I’d like that very much . . . Draco. Very much.”

“Really? Great . . . Hermione.” He kissed her lips softly. “How about tomorrow? I don’t think I can wait longer.”

“Goodness, Malfoy, you’re impatient,” she giggled in reply. “All right, tomorrow then.”

He kissed her one last time before whispering in her ear. “I’ll come around ten in the morning, then. No need to dress.” Laughing, he stepped away and Apparated from sight.

Hermione turned and let herself into her flat. Her body was still thrumming from excitement and arousal, and her heart was still pounding rapidly. Draco Malfoy had just snogged her in submission and she loved it.

October really was her lucky month. She had no idea what possessed her to say yes to going out with the blond Slytherin or what the future might hold but fate had presented her an opportunity and she’d be damned if she didn’t seize it with both hands! Carpe diem, indeed.

Hermione never looked back after than day. She and Draco became an official item after a month. After six months, she survived meeting his parents and he charmed hers. One year after their evening at the Luna’s pub, he proposed - in October. She agreed after asking him for to plan their wedding in the fall of the following year. During the month of October.

He walked up to me
An October surprise
Made me see things
Through his wide eyes
“October Surprise” by Whitney Albright


2011, recipient: asentia, writer: margaritabate

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