Happy Halloween, mihnn!

Oct 31, 2011 15:44

Trick or Treat!
LiveJournal username: Asentia
Prompt: #20- Broomstick
Rating: 14+/T
Word Count: 1063
Warnings: Mild profanity, kissing

Hermione Granger didn’t like parties very much. She considered herself more of a stay-at-home-and-read kind of girl, not a party animal like Lavender Brown or Ginny Weasley.

The above statement of course, had nothing to do with Ron and “Lav-Lav”.

Hermione wrinkled her nose in distaste, remembering how those two looked, sucking off each other’s faces -- their mouths’ had resembled a cross between toilet plungers and those pulsating jellyfishes.

Hermione Granger also wasn’t shivering in her robes as end-of-October frost waded into her trainers.

The Quidditch field and the stands were all empty, as was the commentator’s box. It seemed that everyone was still partying in their common rooms (or lying drunkenly in the corridors at Filch’s mercy). Hermione sat down on one of the low-level benches.

“Don’t like parties much?” someone sneered - the sneer was only half-hearted though, or even a quarter-hearted. Hermione rolled her eyes.

“Go away, Malfoy.”

“Not bothering with the civility then?” Hermione turned her back towards Malfoy as he approached. “Or do you just still believe that ignoring your problems makes them go away?” Hermione smirked.

“So he finally realizes what a problem he is!” Hermione proclaimed, still refusing to look at the Slytherin. She could feel his eyes rolling.

“Granger, I have the distinct feeling that you want me to go away.” Hermione snorted.

“That took you long.”

“Fine. If you don’t want any intelligent company.” Hermione heard, with much satisfaction, Malfoy’s retreating steps.

They stopped suddenly. Very loudly too, and accompanied with much swearing.

“Malfoy?” Hermione said slowly. More swearing and what sounded like a hammer on wood. Hermione turned around and widened her eyes.

A floating broomstick was repeatedly bashing Malfoy on the head.

Hermione immediately pulled out her wand and yelled, “Finite incantatem!” The broom fell to the ground, dead to the world. Hermione looked at Malfoy who was cradling his injured head. “You okay?”

“Yes, thanks, Granger.” He looked slightly distracted. Then suddenly, he smiled. He looked at Hermione. “Do you want to go for a ride?”

“Do I wha--” Hermione didn’t have a chance to respond, as she was suddenly straddling something very thin, with strong, warm arms wrapped around her. A small sound of high-pitched fear escaped her throat as wind began to rush past her, suddenly very fast. Malfoy laughed.

“Put. Me. Down!” Hermione cried shrilly. Malfoy just continued to laugh and arced the broom higher into the air.

The wind slapped her face and it was even colder, hundreds of feet in the air. Hermione clenched the broom handle tightly and closed her eyes, willing for it to be over.

Malfoy finally relented, letting the broom lie horizontal and just float along slowly.

“You can open your eyes now, Hermione,” he whispered gently. The Gryffindor did so, albeit very reluctantly and at a snail’s pace.

“Merlin’s pants, what on--" Hermione broke off suddenly, her eyes widening.

“Weasley being a git is no reason for you not to have some fun of your own,” Malfoy said softly, his lips a hairs width away from Hermione’s ear.

Butterflies started flying around wildly in her stomach and they had nothing to do with what was floating around in the sky.

But still, it wasn’t everyday that millions of tiny little glowing fairies floated around in a formation that resembled your name, in your three favourite colours.

“Did you do this?” Hermione asked suddenly. She could feel Malfoy nodding.

“Of course. Did you expect Weasley or Potter to have done it? They quite obviously don’t have the smarts - or the resources in Weasley’s case - to do it.” Despite the slight against her friends, Hermione smiled.


It was a simple question, but it seemed to take Malfoy ages to answer.

“I don’t know,” he said finally. He rested his chin lightly on Hermione’s shoulder. “I just thought-- Oh! I remember!” Malfoy sat up straight and murmured something.

More fairies appeared, but they were carrying instruments. They began to play.

“Beautiful, oui?” Malfoy said. He sounded satisfied. Hermione just nodded - this was a dream. It had to be. There was no way on earth that Draco Malfoy, ex-Death Eater, would do something this-- this kind to her.

The two sat in silence, just staring at Hermione’s twinkling name and listening to the fairies’ music.

The music was soothing and gentle. It reminded Hermione of snowflakes, drifting slowly to the ground.

“We should probably head back now,” Malfoy said suddenly. Hermione sat up straight and looked at him. “Unless you want to wait until morning…”

“No! I’d rather not get skinned alive by Filch,” Hermione stated, trying to hide her disappointment. But even she felt her weak smile falter. “We should probably get going.” Malfoy nodded. Hermione felt the broomstick dip downward and it was all too soon that her feet touched solid ground. Hermione dismounted slowly.

“Well, thanks,” Hermione said shyly. Malfoy smiled slightly.

“No problem,” he said. “Well, bye.” The Slytherin began to turn around.

Hermione did something rash.

She ran and caught his wrist, twirling him around so he faced her. Ignoring his look of surprise, she stood on tiptoe and pecked him softly on the lips.

“Oh. Um, I didn’t,” she stuttered when she pulled away, “I, well, I-“ She stopped as Malfoy cupped her chin and kissed her. Hermione gasped as he quickly deepened the kiss.

His lips were soft, warm, inviting.

And they weren’t skilled like a whore’s.

Hermione grinned and began to twine her fingers through Malfoy’s hair.

He pulled away suddenly. His face beet red and his eyes, avoiding Hermione’s.

“I should go,” he muttered. Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but he quickly added, “Hogsmeade? You and me? This weekend?” Hermione closed her mouth and grinned.

“Sure,” she replied. Malfoy nodded.

“Great.” And he sauntered away, leaving Hermione alone.

“Draco Malfoy,” Hermione muttered, watching his departing back, “of all people.” She grinned and started humming in tune to the fairy’s melody. She began the long walk to the Gryffindor common room.

And the two people hidden in the stands were left unnoticed.

“That went well,” Ginny whispered, smiling triumphantly. Her partner nodded.

“I agree,” Luna Lovegood said dreamily. “And more importantly: the Halloween Higglepuff ear wax fortune was right!”


writer: asentia, recipient: mihnn, 2011

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