Spring Fic Request for Siryn99

Jun 06, 2005 18:52

Spring Fic Request for Siryn99

Title: A Brief Encounter.
Author: www.livejournal.com/zharinia
Rating: PG
Author's Note: A million apologies for the lateness. My computer ate all my work (fic and end of semester assignments for uni.) This is a rough bones version of what I originally had and I didn’t fulfil the rating requirements, but I would be happy to write a second part soon if you would like more where I can flesh it all out (in more ways than one?).
Summary: Draco and Hermione share a few moments together on a windy night.

It was a cold autumn night at Hogwarts and the wind was howling both inside and out. The building itself seemed to shift and move, almost as though it was trying to find a comfortable position to rest.

Most of the students were tucked safely away in bed or sitting around the roaring open fires in their common rooms. With classes in full swing and the sudden turn in the weather, no one was feeling particularly boisterous this evening.

But Hermione Granger was doing neither of these things. The seventh year Griffindor was rushing to the library, her robes pulled tight around her body and her shoes tapping a furious rhythm on the stone floor. She could see her breath puffing out in little white clouds each time she exhaled and resigned herself to the fact that the gloomy weather was here to stay and had arrived this year with a sudden vengeance.

She finally reached her destination and pushed the heavy wooden doors open, smiling to the librarian behind the desk as she slowed to a more acceptable pace for the library. Hermione may be a favourite of Madam Pince’s, but there was few surer ways of earning her displeasure than to disturb the peace of the library.

She expected to be in there for only a few minutes because she knew exactly which book she needed and exactly where it was, then she would head straight back to the common room to defrost. Except fate had other ideas and it appeared to be laughing at her because who was standing in front of the shelf, holding the book she needed, but the self proclaimed Slytherin king, Draco Malfoy. ‘Why me?’ she thought as she came to a stop just over an arms length from his side.

Hermione stood there for a moment but Draco didn’t acknowledge her presence. When the corner of his lip quirked slightly she knew he was baiting her, almost daring her to speak to him because then any blame for whatever was about to happen could be placed firmly on her shoulders.

“Malfoy” Hermione greeted him coolly.

“Granger” Draco replied without looking over at her, although he did turn a page of the book he was browsing.

“What are you doing?” Hermione asked impatiently.

“I would have thought that was obvious,” he replied while turning another page, “but seeing as you appear to need it spelled out for you today, I am looking through a book. That is the primary reason most people come to a library after all… to read books.”

“Well look who grew a sense of humour, such a shame it is a bad one, but then you never were too original were you.”

Draco turned around and scowled at her for that comment, but before he could reply Hermione continued.

“Did the big bad muggle hurt your feelings?”

“You’ve finished your little project then have you?” Draco asked, deciding to turn the conversation towards a more interesting topic.

“It is not a little project, I have been attempting to make a change regarding assessment of work that could have some very beneficial results.”

“Changing the colour of the ink that is used to correct homework is hardly going to make anyone feel better about how badly they did.”

“Yes it does! Studies have proven that such changes can be very beneficial to a student’s frame of mind when accepting criticism.”

“I think we both know the only reason I haven’t made my true feelings known on this latest crusade of yours is because I would get a good laugh out of seeing Professor Snape dealing with the results. I can just see him using his quill with a little extra flourish and the hint of a smile as he corrects everyone’s scrolls with purple ink”, Draco said with a smirk.

“This is serious Draco!”

“Yes of course. Seriously unlikely, seriously hilarious and might seriously have a chance at reducing the harsh comments from certain lovable teachers, only because they are too mortified at having to be covered in purple ink and so will refrain from writing what they really think.”

“I hate you sometimes” Hermione said seriously.

“And I you, but I think that particular sentiment is what got us into this predicament in the first place, don’t you?”

“I thought we weren’t going to do this anymore,” she sighed, “We agreed this can’t go on. You promised to stay away”

“I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking over… all of this,” he waved his hand nonchalantly between them, “and I think we are taking the easy way out by just pretending like there is nothing there.”

“There is no pretending because there isn’t anything between us,” she muttered, “at least not anymore, there can’t be.”

“Quite deluding yourself Granger, it doesn’t suit you. We have both been pretending because we are too scared of upsetting people…”

“There is more to it than that and you know it,” she snapped back, cutting him off.

“Yes I do. I know that this is dangerous and that lives are at stake, etc..etc… but it has never been easy and it probably never will be, that doesn’t make it any less right. It is what it is,” he shrugged, “besides, you look gorgeous when you get angry with me. Makes me want to kiss your lips and wipe that scowl away.”

“I usually just want to slap you to wipe the scowl off your face.” Hermione said with a false smile.

“My way is better” he replied inching closer.

Realising where this conversation was leading, she snatched the book from his hand and said, “I’m leaving now. Please don’t make this any harder than it already is, just stay away like we agreed.” Looking at him for one more moment, she turned and began to walk away.

But he touched her arm and she faltered. How could the slightest contact make her feel more that all the careful caresses Ron had been instigating of late, and that was another situation she was going to have to deal with very soon. Her head was a mess of thoughts and feelings and she had no idea what to do, so when Draco turned her around to face him and moved closer so that there was barely an inch between their charged bodies she didn’t pull away. He leant down, looking into her eyes for a moment before he kissed her, she didn’t stop him. She was so tired of thinking and analysing everything, maybe later when she didn’t have soft lips pressing against hers or his hand loosely grasping her wrist, his thumb brushing over the delicate bones, she might resolve once more to never let this happen again. But in this moment, every convincing argument she had thought of had slipped away and so she just kissed him back and revelled in the familiar and exciting feelings.

His hands moved to tangle in her hair, drawing her against him and she could feel that she affected him just the way she always did. Hermione pulled away then, taking a deep breath and looking up at the boy who had come to mean so much more to her than she wanted to admit.

Draco reached out and touched her face, “I’m sick of hiding.”

“Me too,” Hermione softly said.

“So what are we going to do?” he asked, hoping she was actually going to have developed a plan. He would sit through hours of charts, diagrams and lectures if she had thought of some way.

“I don’t know”, she said as she slowly pulled away from him, her head held high as she strode away without looking back.

Draco didn’t try and stop her this time. But he watched her and didn’t move until he heard her leave through the open doors, her steps gradually becoming fainter.

He had developed a knack for anticipating her every move. Knowing when she would be least on guard and thus more likely to give in to this bizarre ‘relationship’ that had developed between them. He knew that she would come here tonight to catch up on homework, she had spent so much time lately on that crazy proposal that was never going to be accepted, that her assignments had been neglected.

Tonight had been good, he had seen her alone for the first time in a month and had managed to reaffirm that she too cared for him. Sometimes he felt himself falter and began to question if maybe it was all in his head. He hated the way she had made him feel and yet couldn’t imagine how he had lived without her at the same time. She was going to be the death of him, one way or another.

As Draco Malfoy stood there in the library, the only sound the fierce wind attacking the windows, he knew one thing for certain, Hermione wasn’t going to go away. The more he tried to forget, the more he wanted her. Somehow they would need to figure all this out and find a way to be together, if only he knew where the hell to begin.


Name/Pen Name: Siryn
LJ Username: sryn99
E-mail: siryn99@gmail.com
Age: Old enough to drink without a fake ID. ;)
Rating(s) you’re willing to write: PG-13 to NC-17
Rating(s) of the fic you want: R/NC-17
One tone/mood you want your gift to include: Anticipation of some kind - for an event, for a certain day, whatever.
One element/theme/item you want your gift to include: Purple ink
One common cliche you don't want your gift to include: No weepy, fawning Hermione, please.

Thank you for participating in the Spring Forward Exchange!

author: zharinia, exchange: spring forward, length: one post

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