Thank you very much to those of you who voted in the Fun Fabulous Frenzied Feedback Fiesta, and YES, we did manage to break the tie(s).
Congratulations to
__vintagebomb who received the most points from our writers/artists, and to
pips_n_chiaw who received second most; we will be contacting them shortly to arrange for giving them their little tokens of appreciation. But before we mark this exchange as officially closed, we would also like to give special mention to
pokeystar and
zgurl49 (each of whom did extremely well in voting), and all members of the community who every now and then take the time to leave a comment. Contests like this one don't go nearly far enough in acknowledging the contribution reviews make to the fandom, but we hope that our efforts to do something in recognition, however clumsily made, demonstrate how important we believe reviewing to be.
And on that note, on behalf of
reetinkerbell and myself, thank you ALL for your participation in the Shine A Light with Draco and Hermione exchange here at
dmhgficexchange. This exchange is now concluded. We will see you all soon! ♥