Jun 21, 2006 18:54
Hey everyone,
As is usually the case with these exchanges, people drop out. However, we haven't really had that many drop-outs until this week, and thus, we haven't been able to USE a lot of those who volunteered the last time we posted about back-ups, to our utter embarrassment. We are so sorry.
So, we are currently in need of a few back-up writers, and we are hoping some lovely people might volunteer to help. However, we've decided to begin anew, out of respect to our previous back-ups who probably would be quite annoyed to receive something from us this late in the game.
If you might be able to help, please leave a reply to this message with the following information:
- username/penname
- email address
- are you over the age of 17? (For rated NC-17 requests)
- absolute dealbreakers (what you REFUSE to write)
If you are already writing a story for the exchange that has NOT been submitted -- PLEASE do not volunteer! Finish your own story first, silly.
Lastly, if you volunteer, please be aware that we are setting a new deadline for back-ups of July 2nd. We can't guarantee which day we might email you with a request, so exactly how much time you would have depends! We may look at one final deadline after July 2nd for the last minute assignments.
So if you volunteered previously and still would like to write, you do need to volunteer again -- but just leave a quick comment, since we already have your info. And please do not volunteer unless you are pretty sure you can write whatever story request you receive.
Comments are screened.
Much thanks! ♥