Haha~ doing another on~ but it's all about SJ this time XD it's stolen from
lnicoletal unni XD
Day 01. When and how did you become a Super Junior fan?
Woah~ this is gonna take a while
so....the first time I heard of Super Junior was when they released their movie
Attack on the pinup boys (꽃미남 연쇄 테러 사건)
I was watching Showbiz Extra for the first time
I remember that they talked about a movie starred by a boy band called Super Junior
then they played the movie trailer & what caught my eye was a tall & handsome guy~ & he had blue aura glowing around him XDDDDD
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but I didn't really pay attention to it~
that was around August 2007
then one day -I think in October- they played a song by Super Junior on Pops in Seoul & I was like "OMG!!!! isn't that the same group with the movie I saw the other day???"
so I started counting the members & there was 13 of them (Haha I was able to count all the members even though they looked so similar to each other to me XD)
btw..the song was Don't don XD
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& when 2008 started TVXQ released Purple line
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& I fell in love with it~ & decided that I'm a TVXQ fan
but then SNSD released Kissing you
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& I switched to a SNSD fan & started stalking their news
& came across Kissing you making of & saw a very cute guy in it~
they said that he was in Super Junior~ & I was like "Super Junior again?"
but I was still not interested -_-;; I only listened to SNSD songs at the time (plus Purple line)
then in summer 2008 I decided to watch the movie~
it was really funny (specially Heechul)
& I instantly liked Kibum~ but the funny thing was that I thought that he was the one from SNSD's MV
then around september I was watching Pops in Seoul again & they said the Isak unni (the VJ of the program) was in one of there MVs
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so I searched everything related to SJ on CR but couldn't find it~ but I was starting to like them~
then a few weeks later they played Miracle on Pops in Seoul & I was like "OMG!!! I saw this MV on CR the other day~"
& that's when I decided I want to know more about them & YT-ed them & found a vid from SuJu mini drama (the one with the card kissing game :p)
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then I found in CR a "drama" called mini drama & in there was some Super Junior Mini Drama vids, Super Junior unbelievable story,Super Junior Show (only one ep) & Super Junior Full House~
so I stared with Super Junior Full House & officially fell in love with SJ
& became an SJ (KiChul) fan
that was in october 2008 & I was still lost & only knew some of the members (more like I knew everyone except for K.R.Y) & I missed their 3rd anniversary~
but by december I already new what I needed to know about them~ & have already watched Full House, EHB & Mini Drama (Yesung'n name was the hardest to memorize cuz he was more invisible than Kibum in those shows :p)
then I discovered KBS W & got to see SJ-H almost all the time~
but all this & I still didn't know who ELF was & why she/he was everywhere -_-;;
it took me till february 2009 to find out that ELF was SJ fan club..meaning I was an ELF too~ XD
then SS1 encore concert in Seoul came in March 7th (my bday & it was the first time I ever talktd to Nic unni) then Sorry Sorry...etc
but I think I officially became an ELF was the day I watched Full House~
Day 02. First SJ song you heard.
Day 03. First member you saw.
Day 04. First SJ show you watched.
Day 05. Favorite SJ song.
Day 06. Favorite SJ performance.
Day 07. Favorite SJ tour.
Day 08. Favorite SJ TV show and one more thing: honestly, how many episodes of Super Junior Show you've watched.
Day 09. Favorite SJ radio show.
Day 10. Favorite SJ year.
Day 11. Favorite SJ album.
Day 12. Favorite Super Junior lyric.
Day 13. Favorite song from Super Junior 05.
Day 14. Favorite song from Don't Don.
Day 15. Favorite song from Sorry, Sorry.
Day 16. Favorite song from Bonamana.
Day 17. Favorite solo song.
Day 18. Favorite SJ MV.
Day 19. Favorite Super Junior sub group and favorite song.
Day 20. Favorite picture of Super Junior.
Day 21. The SJ member you have a crush on. Why?
Day 22. Favorite picture of your SJ crush. Why?
Day 23. What would you write to your SJ crush?
Day 24. A special member to you. Why?
Day 25. The member you misunderstood at first. Why?
Day 26. The member you want to be like. Why?
Day 27. The member you first had a crush on. Why?
Day 28. The member who has changed the most since debut, in your opinion. Why?
Day 29. The member you usually dream about the most.
Day 30. The member who makes you laugh the most.
Day 31. Three things you like and dislike about each member.
Day 32. The SJ comeback you liked the most.
Day 33. The SJ quote you like the most.
Day 34. Favorite SJ related thing you want to have the most. Why?
Day 35. Favorite SJ moment and the SJ moment you dislike the most for each year. (2005-2010)
Day 36. How would/did you feel if/when you saw SJ members live? Why?
Day 37. Would you like more: to just watch them from afar or to interact with them? Why?
Day 38. What present you would give to each member? Why?
Day 39. What "Super Junior" makes you think of?
Day 40. What "Ever Lasting Friends" makes you think of?