Title: Malfoy Rings
Pairing: Draco/Pansy, Pansy/Crabbe/Goyle
Rating: NC17
Warnings: noncon, coercion, manipulation, mindfuckery, piercing, whipping/belting/spanking, sex toys, sadism, anal, oral, humiliation, first time, evil!Draco. NOT for the faint of heart!
Summary: Draco has a plan to get out of being betrothed.
Notes: I couldn't QUITE
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Comments 2
I have to say, you did Draco brilliantly, evil!Draco has always been my favourite Draco, and I love how you slipped in Lucius and Narcissa too, with him being cold and cruel to show where Draco got it from.
Poor Pansy, I do feel sorry for her, but I can't say it wouldn't be fun to be her =P
Thank you so, so, so, so much for this, I really love and I'm about to re-read it, it was that good! I'll definitely be reccing it in my journal too, it's amazing and I can't wait to see who you are, mystery author!
Thank you! =D
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