Birthday and Garb...

Sep 14, 2009 09:59

My birthday was Thursday.  Yay me.  I have never been one for birthdays.  I have only had a handful of memorable ones in my entire life, and most of those were because of friends and/or events.

 - When I was nine my mom threw me a party at Chuck-E-Cheese.  She invited a bunch of kids I didn't really know nor cared to know from my class.  I was the quiet and shy kid that bullies loved to pick on, so I didn't have many friends.  It was fun, but I was miserable inside because I knew Monday was coming, and these kids who were my friends today wouldn't be on Monday.

My mother held that damned party over my head for several years after that.  Which she had a tendency to do anytime she ever did anything out of the ordinary for me.

- When I was 16, my best friend Katy threw me an impromptu birthday party.  She went to North Hollywood High Zoo Magnet, so she got me into the LA zoo and took me around to show me everything that I might have missed as a general visitor.  She surprised me with cake at the old zoo area afterward, and we had a blast with Beatles tunes and lots of fun with other friends - hers and mine - a very small group.

A production manager from the movie "Junior" came over and asked us to quiet down a bit because they were filming.  He was really cool and gave like five of us background roles (I am an orderly in one of the scenes).  Emma Thompson was so gracious, and even signed my birthday card "Happy Birthday dear John."

- When I was 18 I took my then girlfriend April Drake to Disneyland, with Katy and her at the time bf David.  I proposed at the stroke of noon (chagrined that the park was only open until 10PM) in front of Snow White's grotto.  David snapped massive amounts of photos of my proposal to April, including my almost loosing the ring in the moat!  One of the best days of my life.

- When I was 21, we celebrated my birthday (myself, April and Mary) in Sequoia National Park.  Mary got one-on-one time with a bear, which was hilarious.  However, we came home to September 11th.  Enough said.

This year, I spent my birthday fundage on stuff for April and Jojo's garb.  I did it because I wanted to, I besides I have fabric sitting her for several costumes for me that I purchased last year.  I did buy myself some sparkly bits from Berger's.  April's thank you for doing this was to purchase my Holiday Barbie (I have collected Barbies steadily since I was 18).  I broke my diet to have lasagne and coconut cream pie (lit up with 31 candles thanks to my lover-ly wife!!!).  All in all it was a good day.

We have begun work on the late period gowns for the French court.  I opted to do large bumroles instead of the cane farthingale; it was just easier for me and less stress than soaking cane for the wheel.  Besides, the French did use large padded bums, so I am okay in the accuracy department.  I am slightly overwhelmed by the sleeves - still haven't figured out how I am going to make what almost looks like a rounded tear-drop!!!  I am horrible at math (have an actual learning disability) and cannot for the life of me figure out the patterns in Tudor Tailor.  Ah well.

Supportases and ruffs are going to be a project in themselves, and will be done by next season.

April's replica coronation gown is coming on lovely.  I decided since the portrait does not show a forepart and the front of the gown, I am taking some liberties.  I jeweled the front of the gown similarly to what is done to the bodice in the portrait (I am really happy with this!!!).  We are making a bodice rather than a doublet - April personally hates doublets - and making an over partlet to similate that effect (a la Marian style).  The forepart will be made of white silk, crosshatched in gold, and embroidered with seperate red and white roses at the crosses or in the center of the diamonds.  Not sure yet.

Haven't started mine yet.  Need to, especially my surcoat for Hanford.  Still working out what I want - and making a black silk base to wear for the beginning part of the day as a mourning suit.  The doublet and sleeves will also be worn with my reds. 

birthday, renaissance, costume, garb

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