Step 1 - Leaving
We all got up at a reasonable hour, but did not manage to leave the house until almost 7PM. Why do you ask? Various reasons, starting with me throwing my back out and being a la quasimodo for four hours, then waiting for April to get home from work when she called to say that she was leaving just then, only to wait two additional hours for her.
Step 2 - Costuming
After almost three months of straight working on these, my costumes for Hanford did not get finished on time. In fact, we were finishing them once again in the Ladies' lounge area in front of the restroom in the Vets building - Friday night, all night; Saturday night, most of the night.
This is irritating because once again I feel let down by Greg. He promised to help with the suits, but something was always in the way, like work or school - even on his day off (of which he has FOUR!). His procrastination is what literally made me want to quit, especially when I was bawling like a baby when both of my suits did not fit quite right - ie at all.
Step 3 - The event itself
Weeeelll... here is where it gets a little tricky. Looking at the two primary courts involved - us and House of Tudor - from the inside, one would have thought that this was not months of planning and hashing, but rather something that was slap-dashedly thrown together at the last minute. From the outside and the faire promoters POV, everything was and went wonderfully.
* was told that I was the first king in a long time that could be heard from the back of the stage, which is hard to do on that particular stage.
* costumes looked good
* Saturday's stage show was perfect. Lines came out, little prompting was needed from all. Wedding came off without a hitch!
* the person who has performed both ceremonies (the wedding and coronations used) could not make it due to government work, so we were scrambling at the last minute to get someone to perform these services. A gentleman from another group was going to do both, and he did the marriage, but got the time wrong for the coronation. We literally had to grab another guildmaster to do it.
* I was told that we were not heard well. I am not sure in relation to which show, because I heard opposite. I think it might also be in relation to where the person was standing in relation to the actors on the stage. That stage has NO accoustics!
* Three planned rehearsal dates were kabooshed, because of the economy and various faire schedules.
* As lovely as the costumes were, the fit was terrible. Sucks to have to be rushed.
Overall, out of 10 I would give the event a 7.5. It will definitely be better next year, since I will make sure to make time with everyone to rehearse!