Gakked from Lunapitty

Apr 15, 2006 10:05

Five things you need to know to make you smarter than your friends
How well do you know me?
For instance, did you know?

Type your cut contents here.

Five Jobs I have had in my life (not necessarily in this order):
1.- Warehouse Monkey and General Sales Idiot in a Sword Shop
2.- CSR for a major German airline's mileage program... and pseudo-supervisor
3.- CSR for a major telecom company's HR department
4.- PIC/Star Trainer for Denny's Restaurant
5.- Entertainment Dept. at the House of Mouse

Five movies I would watch over and over:
1.- Strictly Ballroom
2.- Shakespeare in Love
3.- Ever After
4.- Phantom of the Opera
5.- Beauty and the Beast

Five places I have lived:
1.- Mission Hills, CA
2.- Van Nuys/Panorama City, CA
3.- Castaic, CA
4.- Canyon Country, CA
5.- Moreno Valley, CA

Five TV shows I love to watch: (I'm allowed only FIVE!????)
1.- Desperate Housewives
2.- House
3.- Commander in Chief
4.- ER
5.- Las Vegas

Five places I have been on vacation:
1.- Pismo Beach, CA
2.- Sequoia National Park, CA
3.- Somewhere in BFE Minnesota
4.- Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, England, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany (in that order, and a long, long time ago)
5.- Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

Five web sites I visit daily:
2.- (prolly to check our calendar or something)
4.- (specifically to read Dear Abby, Dear Margo, and comics)
5.- (I may not be posting, but I am slightly paying attention to everyone else)

Five of my favorite foods:
1.- Seafood, specifically shellfish
2.- Anything Chocolate!
3.- Del Taco
4.- Mushrooms - sauteed or stuffed
5.- Strawberries

Five places I would rather be right now:
1.- Sleeping, because I have not been doing much of that lately
2.- In Europe, with a Canadian flag on my backpack
3.- Disneyland
4.- At the local state office collecting a lottery check
5.- Anywhere that is drama-free

Friends who I have tagged that I think will respond:

Everyone else has been tagged

You've been tagged. So here it goes...Copy/paste this, delete my answers, replace with your own and post your own/reply back!
Have fun!!!
So yeah... another post coming right after.

~ J


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