Jun 13, 2004 08:52
Men and women are very different. I've been realizing that no matter which way you slice it men and women have very distinct characteristics that make each person unique. Here, I'll give you a very general, possibly streotypical, example. If a man says, "We are very close," he most likely means in proximity. If a woman says, "We are close," she mostly means emotionally connected. Neither way is better. It's just a different perspective. For me, I totally appreciate this perspective. Actually, to be honest...I yearn for it. Laying it all on the line, I think that it is so important to appreciate these differences instead of fighting against them. It's easy to wish that men could think like me so they would know exactly what I'm thinking about. Yet, if they did know every part of my heart then what would be left for God? And, also if I give all of myself to my male friends...what is left for my husband? These are the questions I've been asking myself lately. I'm truly greatful that I was made a woman...simply because I can affirm, support, and appreciate men for their roles as leaders and initiatiors. I have to admit if God plans on giving me a husband... I truly want to embrace all that he is. And, sure there are things I'm going to have no clue about. I can try and support those things I don't understand and instead of nagging about them...I can embrace and appreciate them because I love all of him. I really don't know what God's plan is for me but I'm guessing all of these thoughts must be prep for something...