May 24, 2004 13:37
I think that the funniest, strangest things happen to me throughout my day just to keep me smiling. Here's a good story for y'all. I'm walking across campus after a trip to the gym, and my hip muscles cramp ultra charliehorse style! I don't know what to do because I'm carrying a bunch of things. So, I start to laugh/cry, kinda loudly. My leg is in writhing pain and all I can do is stand there with tears coming from my eyes. Now, you may not think this is funny. However, the result of my painful laughter/crying is what is histerical. This handsome man about 25ish walks by (ofcourse I'm always having these awkward things happen around guys) asks if I'm ok. I respond with..."well, actually no I'm having a really bad cramp." He looks at me and says, "Can I carry you to the bathroom!" I almost died from laughing so hard! I had to explain that it wasn't that type of cramp (ewww), which made for another awkward yet extremely funny moment. And, he proceeded to take my books and walk off the cramp with me. His name is Eric and is very wonderful and funny as heck! I was very thankful for him helping me out. So, even when your day may seem like the same old same never know when something crazy funny will happen to just shake it up :)
By the way...I think the funniest thing I have ever seen is little midgets pulling an airplane!!