Nov 28, 2005 21:05
Today, I was playing Call of Duty 2 with my roommate among some other people. Whenever we play against each other, we both get better since it is a challenege to play him, and him I. However, this was team deathmath, and it was 3 v. 2, with us being Germans and supposidly superior firepower, and them the British and supposidly inferior firepower, and the map was some town in Tunisia. Before, where the dust was my friend, now, it became my enemey. The final score was around 85 kills for the Brits and around 45 kills for the Krauts. WHAT WENT WRONG!? My roommate and I were supposidly almost indefeatable when we play as a team, but here, we just got owned. And I'm just so annoyed. What the hell went wrong? Were our tactics inferior? Did my marksmanship skill decrease? but then it dawned on me, what if the other team was cheating? Ugh, I'm usually happy. There isn't a time when you can't find me happy, that is, unless I'm sad (which is almost never), at least not directly, except for today (I don't know why). I live by three big morals, honesty, loyalty, and honor: honesty as is, always tell the truth, and when you can't then tell the half truth, since it IS still technically true, well just half of it, but you can always say "need to know basis, you don't need to know" and then just tell them the half that is true. Just kidding, I hate pathological liars, espicially the ones who keep lying like no other; with loyalty, that's pretty self-explanitory. No backstabbing, none of that "Oh I'll go find my friends when I'm bored" crap (keyword, friends are not there for your beck and call when you're bored, they're actually human too); as for honor, that means not being an opportunist, at least not at someone's loss at a direct level. I mean, if someone asks you to do them a favor, you don't tell them "okay" and then do something else. I also live by three other general rules: Don't say what you don't mean, don't promise what you can't do, and don't pretend to be who you're not. Frankly speaking, if anyone follow those six things, I don't have a clue how there would be negativity against anyone and you would get along fine with people. Bottomline is, don't cheat or lie, or any derivative of that. Be good citizens guys!