Mar 10, 2005 22:56
Well here I am on Farans fantabulous lap top, which I am going to (not) steal, backspacing over every other word to correct it so its spelled right.
Anyways, today on my way back to my apt from the tanning salon, Justin passed me on the road as I was crossing, screamed at me and told me to get in. SO I got in his car, we went and got quizno's and then came back to his apt, where we've been hangin out playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 and downloading tunes into my new MP3 player I got for my birthday. Its no iPod, but its still tiny and fabulous!!!
Spring Break is nearly finished and it seems as if I did absolutely nothing. BUT I did. On Friday, I left for Chicago with Steve to help him find an apartment. It was supposed to be Josh, Julie, Steve and myself but unfortunateley Josh and Julie both had to work.
I still had a great time..In fact I am itching to go back as soon as possible...I love that city. Its definitley in my future.
I visited H&M where Steve will be working. LOVE IT! I bought like 65 things for 70 bucks! such a good deal, and there are so many cool vintage stores. I got some awesome deals!!!! I also FINALLY went to IKEA...which was great as well. I got some junk from there that I don't think I really need, but they're so cheap as well!
We visited some great bars and clubs too. Its so much more fun when you can go out to the bars and get yourself a drink! Last time I was there it was tons of fun, but its so much better when you stick around for the nightlife!!!
Steve found an apartment the size of a cardboard box. Its small but its in a great spot and its cheapo.
Monday I went home to see my sisters and nephew while Josh was in Traverse City with Windy.
It was actually a nice visit.I took my younger sister out for a drink considering I missed her 21st. She ordered a margarita.....didn't like it, so Jen switched her Bud Light for the margarita....didn't like the beer, so I finally tried to get her to drink my Miller...didn't like that one either....So Jen and I ripped on her about only drinking Zima with skittles and Smirnoff Ice. It was fun.
I ran into Rose and Brian while I was at Applebees with the sibs. Rose,whats up? why'd ya'll look so angry?
I saw Nikki, Ara and Kari too. All in all It was a nice visit!
March 15 will be Josh and I's 3 year anniversary. Thats 6 years in gay years!!!!!!!
well I'm tired of typing so I'm out!
BUH baby Buh baby buh buh buh!