Read my shit bitches....its fun..then copy it and do it yourself........Bitches

Dec 16, 2004 03:06

This is the longest most exciting thing you’ll ever read!!!!! So read all about me NOW! My last final exam is tomorrow….and I’m burnt out. This thing took longer than expected…..I guess I’ll just have to study tomorrow….lol


Do you dream at night? And during the day as well
Do you remember your dreams? Just the good ones.The last dream I dreamt was gross, if you would like to know, contact me personally.
Describe one. Faran and I making snow angels last night. ???
What time do you go to bed usually? I pulled three all nighters within the last week. Usually around 3 or 4 a.m. I really think I’m an insomniac
What time do you wake up normally? On Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30, other days…hhmmmm around noon
What time do you wake on weekends? I try to get up early, but I usually sleep until 2
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? Nice, and annoying, I like to get an early start to my day
do you sleep with one pillow or two? 2


Do you like school? I love school
Why/why not? The interactions with people, the challenges it gives me, the education its giving me, the jobs it will create for me in the future, seeing friends there, and its something to do when you don’t have a job
Whats ur fave subject? Advertising and Art
Most hated subject? Finite math and Accounting
Do you have a fave teacher? DR. Dave London, Ed Hutchison, Tereza Dean
Ever had a crush on a teacher? Well Mr. Demongy, my highschool econ/civics teacher was quite attractive!
Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? Definitely English/drama.


Do you have heaps of friends? Honestly, I have a lot of friends, while many I don’t consider close friends. I have a small group of great friends.
Do you have a best friend? I guess, most of my close friends are my ‘best’
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? I’m gay, figure it out
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? constantly
Have you ever lied to a friend? Pfff yah
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? Well, I suppose if dating your girlfriends ex-boyfriend counts.


Do you like your parents? I love my mother, my father is a different story
Ever run away from home? I attempted to once, but it was too cold!
Ever thought about it? sure
Do you have any siblings? Two sisters, and one half sister who is close to 40 now! Sick!
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? My real sisters, I love em both to pieces. Annoyed? OH god yes! Especially when they don’t take my fashion advice, or get mad at me for telling them to induldge in the finer things every once in a while, or when they date stupid boys whom I don’t care for.
How old are they? 20 and 25. Ah we’re getting old!
If not, do you mind being an only child? Well I don’t really apply to this question. But I would hate being an only child.
Do you feel your parents spoil you? Hell No. I am the least spoiled!
Do you not get along with any of your family? Most of my family, except for my Uncle Jim and that part of the family who kicked my grandma out of their house after she built an entire edition for ‘herself.’ Other than that, yes…unless they have a problem with me being gay, which I don’t know if everyone knows yet.
Do you have big family get togethers ever? We used to before the Gparents died and my parents got divorced.


Ever had sex? With both sexes baby!
Believe that a person shouldn’t have sex before marriage? If they’re extreme conservative’s, if not than no.
Believe in casual sex? If its protected
Did you regret losing your virginity? Sometimes, well, nah. It had to go
Do you have a religion? I was raised Presbyterian, currently I am agnostic.
Do you practice it i.e go to church? I enjoy my visits to Temple every Tuesday ( If there were one in Mt. Pleasant!) j/k. Usually just on Christmas Eve.
Do you believe in God? An Omnipotent, Omniscient one? No
Jesus? As a human
Satan? Don’t think so
Heaven? All dogs go?
Hell? If society would stop drilling into my head that, that’s where I’m going!
If you died tomorrow what do you beleive will happen to you? My friends and family would mourn my death, and I would get a nice haircut and face job.
Does death scare you? the pain and suffering people feel before death which can’t be explained scares me more.


Have you ever been drunk? yes
taken drugs?
stolen? yes
shoplifted? yes
tried to commit suicide? No, that’s just to selfish
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? I’m gay, had a girlfriend…again you figure it out
gotten into a fight? lots
are you more innocent or guilty? I suffer from paranoia, but I think I’m more innocent
Would you date a drug addict? Absolutely not
Are you racist? Absolutely not
Are you discriminatory to anyone? Straight people, but that would make me racist right? Lol.
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? yes
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? Minds are like parachutes, they work much better when they’re open! I have a very open mind, well, except for homosexuality issues. OK and civil rights, OK I am MOSTLY open minded.


Do you watch tons of tv? Lately yes
How many movies have you watched in the last month? Too many, I live with a movie buff
Do you listen to the radio often? All the time
Do you read the newspaper? USATODAY and CMLife habitually
Do you read magazines? GQ and Details are equivalent to Cosmo (they are my ‘bible’)
Are you a couch potato? I try not to sit on it too much….it makes it look ugly
Do you use the internet too much? Yah


Whats your fave style of music? Anything I’m in the mood for. Mostly easy alternative, ‘modern hits of the 80’s 90’s and today’ jazz, classics like Sinatra, Van Morrison, stuff like that.
Do you play an instrument? I’m sure I could play the triangle, although I know that takes some skill! Someday I will learn to play the Violin
Do you sing? When I’m driving alone…and boy to I sing loud!
Whats your fave band? Spice Girls…don’t really have a fave.
Have you met them before? GOD I wish! jslashk
Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year? Gavin DeGraw, Sarah McLachlan, Van Morrisons greatest hits
Why did you buy them? Sometimes I’d rather have the actual CD with inserts than a CD with Sharpie ink scribbled on the top.


Whats your fave sport? Don’t have one, if I did, it would be clogging
Do you have a fave team of any sort? no
Do you play a lot of sport? Does underwater basket weaving count?


Are you funny or serious? Most of the time I’m funny
Creative or not? Very creative
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Both, if I think about it in the long run
Are you outgoing or shy? outgoing
Are you lazy or active? I’m usually active, but lately I’ve been really, really lazy
Have you ever been hyperactive? Oh YAH
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? no


Are you happy with the way you look? yes
What would you change? Muscle development around my upper body and arms
Do you wear makeup regularly? I use self tanners…its healthier
Do you have a large wardrobe? It is growing…and ever changing


Do you have a job? no
Do you like it? I use to
Are you a saver or a spender? A saver…I have been jobless for the passed 2 months and have managed to live mostly off of my savings….phew!
Do you work hard or slack off? I used to work hard, but at my last place of employment, they only noticed the weaknesses in people and gave little to no opportunity for their great employees.
Have you ever been fired? Unfortunately yes
In trouble at work? Yes. On my last day at Kroger, I got caught smoking with some friends when I should have been pushing carts….good times…lol (It WAS my last day)
Made a major mistake? Unintentionally yeah
Ever had money stolen from you? yes (Rose you lied. I took money from you once. Teeheee)
Are you always broke? Not always. When you don’t have a job. Most likely yes! But not like Nikki where I say I can’t afford a dollar menu item, but have 400 bucks in my savings….cheap ass b!

~embarrassing moments~

Your all time most embarrassing moment? Probably when my fly is down, or something is in my teeth and I am clueless. Its funny because even the time when I shit in my pants, I wasn’t that embarrassed!
Ever snorted drink out your nose? It hurts!
Ever giggled like an idiot? yeah
Ever embarrassed yourself and pretended nothing happened? I farted once in 4th grade and acted like it wasn’t me
Ever tripped in front of someone you liked? On rollerblades, tripping on sidewalks, yeah yeah yeah!
Ever said something really stupid? Oh yes. Once I came home to see my fam and saw my nephew and called him my little boyfriend without thinking. I really meant to say something like, “Hey girlfriend” too funny, too embarrassing.
Ever snorted while laughing? I’m not that piggesh
Ever fallen off a bed? In my sleep, when I switched from a double to a twin bed. Its scary
Ever sleepwalked? no
Ever sleeptalked? Yes, Josh and I have complete conversations with each other when one of us is sleeping. It is really funny!


Whats your best memory? The first summer Josh and I were together after he told his mom everything. We were at Starbucks in Milford. Nikki was there, and I hadn’t seen him in a few days. He came running to me and he gave me a huge hug. I have so many ‘best’ memories….its not even funny. Family stuff, Christmas eves, birthdays, drunken memories..jeez.
Worst? My worst memories are when people close to me die. That is the worst think I can think of, because I try to block out bad memories and usually they don’t come back to me.
Do you have a good memory? If I try
Whats the coolest holiday you remember having? New Years eve when I was liberated, or last Christmas when my family all got together and played Trivial Pursuit and fought over the ‘brown pie.’ OR the Christmas when I got micro machine buildings and a note from ‘santa’ with 10 dollars in it saying he didn’t have time to make the micro machines I wanted, so I could go to the store and pick out something else.


Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you? all the time
Whats the first thought that comes to your head when you hear these names?
Melissa -Rose typing Eckridge, and not ethridge.
Bill - Gates
Vanessa - my beautiful Target friend
Alyssa - milano
Jess - Advertising Media buddy
Brian - McNight
Charlie - Lesbians! SICK
Olivia - Newton John, Nikkis niece
Drew - Carrey
Lily - Tomlin
Anita - Baker

Whats the first thoughts that come to your head while hearing these words?

cheese - MO craving cheese before surgery
rubber - condoms
clothes -Fabulous!
big - muscles
dress - evening
jacket - the best accessory, besides a gay on your arm
polyester - inorganic
kite - something that’s man made and flies in the air
washing - dishes
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