Yeah, sometimes people make mistakes, sometimes little, sometimes big, but God forgives them...and maybe we all should too.
Things don't always go as we hoped for them to go, but God wants us to fight through it with him, and make the best of it. He wants us to get frustrated, but eventually that hardship will go away and you will conquer it. Then God will sit back, smile, and say "That's my boy/girl!"
People change and move on, maybe in your eyes you take it as a "it's not fair" kind of way, but God might take it as a "It has to be this way, because it will be better in the long run."
Dom, you can't always blame other people for what has happened... Some do it subconsciously... It is the way life is. 'Que sera, sera'... what will happen, happens... That is the way the cookie crumbles....
Things like this make us stronger in the long run...You may not want to think that, but it is true. It also makes us closer to God. Be strong, things may not work out for you right now, but remember everything DOES happen for a reason... To get the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain...
Chrissy i believe all things do happen for a reason, I am very religious and i know that God has a plan for each and every one of us. Chrissy im not blaming a single person, all im saying is that some people stop friendships, and thats ok, but if ur gonna stop a frienship with someone thats always been nice to you, or has tried their best, u should at least tell them the whole truth why u dont wanna hang with them anymore. People have stopped being friends with me and not said a dang thing, just talked about me behind my back. Thats completely fine if u dont wanna by my friend, i just think its the "right thing to do" to confront the person and tell them, not just secretly hate them! I know all of this crap has happened for a reason, and thats up to god, but i strongly think that some people need to realize that it hurts someone immensley for people to hate them or not wanna be friends anymore, and not even have the guts to confront them about why or what they did. Thats all, no hard feelings towards anyone, I wish everyone the best in life and hope everything turns out wonderful. My faith in God gives me the strength to keep going, and also to forgive, but if i dont know whats wrong or why things happened, and if no one talks to me, its hard to forgive. I hope u understand what im saying, God bless u Chrissy, i miss u - DOm
Yeah, sometimes people make mistakes, sometimes little, sometimes big, but God forgives them...and maybe we all should too.
Things don't always go as we hoped for them to go, but God wants us to fight through it with him, and make the best of it. He wants us to get frustrated, but eventually that hardship will go away and you will conquer it. Then God will sit back, smile, and say "That's my boy/girl!"
People change and move on, maybe in your eyes you take it as a "it's not fair" kind of way, but God might take it as a "It has to be this way, because it will be better in the long run."
Dom, you can't always blame other people for what has happened... Some do it subconsciously... It is the way life is. 'Que sera, sera'... what will happen, happens... That is the way the cookie crumbles....
Things like this make us stronger in the long run...You may not want to think that, but it is true. It also makes us closer to God. Be strong, things may not work out for you right now, but remember everything DOES happen for a reason... To get the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain...
vaya con dios
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