It's my birthday on the 6th, and I'm starting the party on the 5th. EVERYONE is invited. There's even going to be a keg! It's BYOB for those of you who don't like beer or Irish Car Bombs (ponders why there isn't a Jewish drink that isn't Manishevitz... hm)
The theme is PIRATES. All guests are heavily encouraged to wear their awesomest garb. Even a pirate hat works, but I'm not going to cry if you don't wear a costume. It would be awesome, though.
I probably invited most of you through Facebook. I'm not friends with everyone on that, though, so everyone do me a solid and spread the word. I reiterate that EVERYONE is invited. No one will be turned away, though good behavior is required. leave your drama at the door. You know who you are. Don't worry, though. I don't cry at my party. Heh.
Volunteers to help plan this would rock, too. :)
What: David and Bryan's PIRATE KEGGER
When: September 5th
Where: 4554 Bond St, San Diego, CA 92109. Easy to get to, it's right off of the I5.
Drinks: Limited BYOB but there will be a keg for public usage. The makings for Jagerbombs (Jager and Redbull) and Irish Car Bombs (Guiness, Bailey's and Jameson's) will be GREATLY appreciated. Help me kill the fresh keg!