Oct 19, 2006 21:33
So, I easily failed the Lit midterm. Christina helped as much as she could. She told me what to study, and I think if she gave me the exam, I would have passed.
Save to say my mind has been elsewhere. It's been an emotional month, it's going by fast. I have to seriously get back into school mode. As I look back at the first month and a half of the semester, i have been a mess.
I'm trying to cut back on the things i do online, i deleted my mySpace account. It felt like I had high school stress building up inside of me because of that website. And it's always been trouble.
And now, it seems like LJ is making me bothersome. I see too much, and it gets me too angry. So, I think I'm going to take a little break from this page as well. I'm tired of posting about how upset I am and everything that is wrong with my life. So, you know what? No more of this crap. I'm gonna post again when I'm in a good mood.
The internet has made life a lot easier in so many ways, but it also can make you an emotional wreck, you know? Or maybe its just me. So, until something good happens in my life...I say farewell to LJ. I've been typing in this journal since March 2002. I've been typing in this Journal for five years. I'm sure if I went through my posts, I would see how much I have matured and changed, but I think I'd also see how much I have not changed. And it's the changes that need to happen. Is this end of LJ? Maybe.....or maybe it's just a break that I need. Life needs a change, maybe the next book will be better.