A completely ridiculous post would be the ultimate result of the following:
1. Take the tenth line from your first post
2. Then the first line from your tenth post
3. The fifth line of your post that recieved the most comments
4. The eighth line of your most recent post that recieved NO comments
5. The first result of a Google image search on the second word of the second sentence of your second post
6. As an added bonus, for your current music, take the artist from your most recent really long post and the title from your oldest really short post.
Brilliant propoganda... but all I keep on thinking that it makes me want the war less and less as it goes on. Today was the death of my grandmother. After I finished my movie, the butterfly effect, i decided it was time to go talk to the policemen. I'm not trying to sound stalker.
Queen, all dead, all dead... dammit...
What a picture, huh?
It's weird to look back on all my posts (since 2003) and see all the shit that used to matter to me... weird, sad, i dunno.. it is also scary to see how young I was.