Oct 01, 2004 16:18
HapPy OCtObeR
Hopefully this change in the month with spark a change in the weather and produce a colder season. I would love red, orange, and brown trees, that's why I want to be in New York.
In New York, you have seasons, you have a winter, you have a spring, you have a fall, etc etc. We're just sunny here, Sunny California... the place where everyone wants to be an actor.
I was watching Scrubs today, in order to catch up on the last two shows I missed. It truly is a brilliant show.
"Al Coholic: He's a drinker."
Dead Like Me continues to get better and better. There's a secret to the show and I haven't been able to crack it, but each show I keep thinking I have it and then one death or another proves it wrong. So I don't know what to think.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a fucking brilliant movie and I just love love love Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet is one of the most naturally beautiful people in the whole world. It's girls like her that really make me feel better about myself. She's all out there and she doesn't give a fuck.
Mmmm.. I feel good... I feel happy. Yah, I get down and whatever.. but I feel like things are alright... and I can deal with things as they come for the time being.
Anywah.... I hope that people are enjoying the change of the month and will use this change to their advantage. MMMM... and have a good day.