Oct 06, 2004 15:35
I need to update more often. I need to do a lot of things more often.
My gram died two weeks ago. I always said, when she died, I wouldn't be upset, cuz she didn't care about me. She made me wash her floors on my hands and knees! Well, I was wrong. Things suck. I miss her so much already, and I can't do anything about it. I went to Buffalo last week for her funeral service. Catholic services suck. My gram was mentioned like twice. We didn't even get to talk about her great qualities. No one talked about her at all. The freakin' thing lasted only 45 minutes. Oh, the day before though, I spent time at my grandfather's with my uncles, my aunts, and my cousins. My mom mentioned that Rick and his family were sorry about the loss, and that Rick wanted to be there, but couldn't get out of work. So, yeah, my mom continues to tell them that Rick and I are going to be getting married in a few years and to watch for an invitation. So my uncle is like, "Whoa! You're getting married?? Where's the ring?" This was after we had told him in July that we were getting married (Rick trekked out to Buffalo with me). I smiled, and like ha-ha funny, but it's not about the ring, and stuff, and my uncle was like "you're right. It's about the ROCK!", and then continued to tell me that if Rick really wanted to marry me, I'd have a ring, no matter what the circumstances. So, I didn't want to even be in Buffalo any more. I was there for 20 minutes and I was ready to drive back home. BTW: Does it strike anyone else as funny that I know more of Rick's extended family than I do of my own?? So, yeah, that was a great trip. Oh, I also got a lecture from my aunt about how I'm a big girl and I can call my family more often, and spend more time with them, and go out to Buffalo to see them more often and stuff. Well, Missy!!!! The phone works both ways! It's not a one way road to get out there! I'm in college, which is more than you can say about your nephews out there who are doted on and get everything, and I'm FUCKING POOR!!! If you want me to call, and you want me to visit, give me the cash for me to come, or pay for the days of work I'll miss. I work at a fucking hotel. I make at least $100 every day I work there. I'm not giving that up, especially if I get a car like I might be doing this weekend.
Hah, that's that. I feel like such a boob, too. So much stuff is happening to my friends and I don't even know it. I miss Jen so much. I haven't talked to her in weeks. I need to see her. Maybe I'll do that on Friday instead of having a BoSox party. Or maybe I'll go see her afterwards. And my MCLA crew. I miss them so f-ing much. I don't know how things are going out there, I haven't talked to anyone in forever. I need to get out there and visit them. Sorry y'all. I promise to be around more often from now on. If I start slackin', come kick me in the ass or something.