Oct 27, 2004 22:50
Hmmm.... today, what can i say about today?? I went to go pick up my baby from school and i see him giving his teacher a hug and he's standing behind all these other kids and he pushes one kid into the other and the one that was hugging the teacher got pushed over... DAMN KID!!! lol he's beautiful tho!! i wish he was mine and then again i don't.... then i went to school wrote an essay and i think i did pretty good...
so ok i came home last night from my best friend geoff's house around 2:30 or so and i check my mail on my dresser... i see my verizon bill im like shit man ok what are they gonna charge me with now? i look at the outstanding balance of $1,279!!! im like HOLY HELL... i swear i couldnt fall asleep i was soo damn stressed!! but i called today so i only have to pay $553 cuz i made a payment and if i get that all paid off then i get my phone put back on! thank goodness im going nuts without one!!! i hope it wont screw up my credit tho... EEESH
anyways, im out now soo holla!
1 luv always and tru