Oct 03, 2004 09:59
I prance from flower to flower
my legs playing s·t·a·c·c·a·t·o beats
on every delicate petal.
They say a bee can smell
so many different scents.
What's the use when I can smell
and long for and search for just
I flit and
f o t
l a
and d---------------------------ash
flower stamens mock my desire.
Cheese, O! O Elusive Cheese!
No flower can compare
to your musky odor.
I was lost when I smelt you, your deadly scent
beckoning me, urging me, seducing me,
whirling me beyond pleasure to land
upon your surface oh so d.e.l.i.c.a.t.e.l.y
and be SWATTED, and blinded by that swat! Lost, lost, forever
O beauteous, curVAceous, odorous Swiss Cheese!
I curse the wind that carried me away
from the sweet sweet redolence
of your Virginia air,
where I, youthful, inexperienced bee,
in exploring, first stumbled
upon my dairy lust.
Wait for me, O Cheese!
Nor daisy nor crocus, nor tulip nor lily,
nor 'mum nor rose, nor asphodel
shall meet my mouth in paled sweet nourishment
'til I find you once more.
O Cheese! I smell you again,
your scent taunting me, driving my wings
plucking the harp my desire, tugging me inside
as if I were not bee but rubber band.
Twang! I am elastic now, flipped through the air
by the final SWAT. I
O CHEESE! Dear Cheese, at last!
The body weakens, but the heart speaks.
Thisbee the Cheese-Bee am I,
and you, my Cheese, shall be my love
and my doom,
for I am lactose-intolerant.