Sep 17, 2004 03:39

Ladies and gentlemen, looking back upon the spotless tapestry that is the history of our beloved democratic America, I see stains. One of these indelible nightmares is the Women's Rights movement. After extensive research, I traced every failure and disaster that has struck us Americans, from the popularization of SUV's to the tragedy of 9/11, to the campaign for Women's rights.

In the bible, in genesis 4:11, the wisdom of our God proclaims, "...let she serve you, for that is the purpose of her creation..."

Yes, women should wash our dishes, take care of our kids, and make sure we have clean clothes to wear, for that is the function they were created with. Let's face it folks, women aren't meant for thinking. Proclaiming that they possess the capacity to make intelligent decisions such as voting or dabbling in politics is not only heresy, it's blatantly lying.

This proclamation that women should somehow be equal to men not only hurts America as a whole, but the women themselves. Building up a woman's confidence and giving them the mentality that they can function as well as men in every respect, then having that mentality come crashing down after the woman makes an utterly stupid decision like voting for NADER (yes, 82% of all Nader's voters were female) does nothing for her morale.

The Cavemen had it right. The men would go out hunting while the women would stay home and cook. Those societies were archaic, but infinitely more productive than today, where men workers have to double check every decision their fellow female workers make, therefore decreasing productivity.

Women don't need to THINK or have a good EDUCATION to be successful. Women can easily do what they're good at and be recognized, such as cooking or housewifery. (look at Martha Stewart.) Instead, women get the impression that they must struggle with an education in order to be successful. I weep for these misguided citizens of an otherwise great America.
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