Alternate Story Link(s)

Apr 11, 2011 07:33

Not that I'm paranoid or anything, but I sort of accidentally, spontaneously formatted all my stories as text-only, zipped them, and uploaded them to Megaupload. You know. Because that's what ordinary people do:

I will also, in the spirit of being perfectly un-worried about story access, mention that I continue to be on Archive of Our Own as

And, of course, everything is still on Dreamwidth and (for this five minutes anyway) Livejournal:

Dorothy Marley's Fanfiction Index on Dreamwidth

Dorothy Marley's Fanfiction Index on Livejournal

In all seriousness, I do expect Livejournal to continue to be around, and I'm rooting for them in their fight against the various DDoS attacks they've sustained the last couple of weeks. It's just that when a service where one has hosted one's fiction for several years goes in and out because of forces outside one's own control, one begins to think about backups. And about zipping stories as text files and uploading them Megaupload, just because.

You can also read this entry at my Dreamwidth journal. There are
comments there.

fanfic, archive of our own

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