(no subject)

Mar 29, 2005 21:47

The cuts that Star put on my stomach have now faded to scars. I tend to wince when I see them in the mirror when I'm getting changed. It's certainly the last time I let her near me with anything sharp, let alone again.

I'm been tainted, I've been marked. I've been very happy lately and I'm not sure why.

I was going to rhyme that little sentence but I couldn't be bothered. At least I'm updating. Teachers keep prodding me about it, saying it's "good for the soul". Muggles seem to think Lavender (the flower, not the girl) is good for their souls, but I think it smells like poison.

So this journal is my own happy, non-smelling variety of poison. After realising that, I'm sure I don't fucking know why I don't update this more often.


I haven't seen Tale for awhile, she's hiding out away from Pax and Cael, squirreled away with Lufi. Can't hardly blame her. I gave Cael's tin back, as you've all found out, and in return he taught me chess. I don't suck nearly as fucking much as he thought, which is pretty much the same deal as when we were together, but it's good to have a new skill. I might ask Lavender to play if she's around later.

I caught her putting health potions into my coffee which explains my recent energy boost. I've gained a bit of the weight back, can't say I'm too happy about it but I've struck a steady medium, where people don't comment that I look like a skeleton, and I don't see any loose skin around. So...perhaps that's also a reason why I'm happy. Such a long update! Well, I suppose that's what happens when one doesn't update for the longest time. The plant has made friends with Tale's kitten so when it's not sleeping on Lavender's bed it's over at her annex terrorising Cael. Good plant. Good, sweet, appealing little plant.


I was allowed to move out of Lavender's little annex but I haven't yet. I like it there. How fucking uncharacteristic, but she has makeup I can steal, she makes me coffee, she's able to hold a vaguely decent conversation, and she doesn't expect me to put out.


It's also a fucking fantastic way to avoid Star, as I haven't seen her for at least a couple of weeks and it's been very relaxing. She's probably off fucking Skylar again, I suppose I should go lend him my coffee machine for fucking her so I don't have to. Taking one for the team and all that. Thanks, mate.

Lavender just made me a cup of coffee so I'm going to shut the lid on this thing and go and drink it.
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