Time flies...

Jan 01, 2015 05:40

Happy new year, everyone! Between Christmas, social obligations and trying to write my Winterfest fic, I fell off the radar again. I'm about 3,500 words in, with ten more days to go until my assigned date. I don't think I'm going to make it. :-/

This thing is happening where I'm writing, but I feel very ambivalent about the results. I don't really like that. Obviously there's always a lot of mixed feelings when it comes to looking over your own writing, but usually I like to feel some small sense of satisfaction, if only about the wordcount. Part of the problem is that with Dresden Files, you kind of have to be funny and while I've been in an okay mood, I'm not feeling the comedy. Or at least, I don't think I am. But I can't be sure because maybe I'm just a cranky slug of a human being who needs more caffeine.

Anyway. Here's to trying to be optimistic about 2015. *clinks champagne glass*

fanfic, labyrinth

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