Fandom is abuzz with the news about
Amazon's Kindle Worlds, which lets you publish and earn royalties for certain fandoms. So far, the list of permitted fandoms is short: Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, and The Vampire Diaries. This feels weird on so many levels, really. People already license media tie-ins of selected properties (like all the Star Wars novels), but I'm fairly sure they're usually work-for-hire deals (Where copyright works very differently, at least in the U.S.) with established authors who get paid a tidy fee upfront.
Amazon Kindle Worlds looks to be cutting out those pro writers by going straight to fandom. The drawback is, well, that they'll be taking their chances with the writing quality available in those fandoms, but the advantages are:
1) Not paying fanfic writers an advance. Writers get 35% net as the standard for works 10K and over. Less for shorter works.
2) The ability to use any "new elements" the fanfic writer comes up with and incorporate them in other works without further compensation.
3) Amazon acquires the all rights (including global publication) to your story for the length of the copyright. So they can publish it anywhere they want, and you have no say in the matter.
4) Amazon sets the price of the work, not the writer.
You'll note those are advantages for Amazon, not the writers.
Also, no pr0n allowed, which makes me think they really don't know fandom too well, do they?
I'd write fanfiction for pay, just not under these terms.