quietselkie, here's
a very applicable comic about what it's like to be a person who creates things. Not only do I recognize my personal philosophy ("Fuck you I put on pants yesterday": a motto for life!) but I particularly liked the bit about ideas and where they come from.
I firmly believe that your writing brain is only as good as what you feed it. No fresh input = flat, stale writing. The best writing I've seen comes from people who read lots and widely (not just fanfiction, because sweet zombie Jesus do I really have to explain why), across a variety of genres and subjects.* They're curious about how the world works, and they're motivated enough to go and look for themselves.
It makes them interesting people as well as good writers, and they never run out of ideas.
* Including non-fiction, because there's an amazing amount of weird, absolutely wonderful stuff that happens in real life and if you don't crack open a history book from time to time, you're missing out on hundreds and thousands of plot bunnies.