Jan 29, 2012 02:32
I didn't mean to worry anyone, my apologies. It's just that sometimes... well. I tell myself that I am fine and I'm not depressed because I don't feel sad, exactly. I can function. I often feel quite cheerful. But sometimes being normal and maintaining a normal routine takes up all the mental and emotional reserves I have and there's not much left over.
So I just sort of self-medicate with books, tea and other things (read: cake) to take my mind off the stagnant state of my life until I can finally muster up the willpower to just do whatever it is I need to do. Sometimes this takes longer than I'd like, or it requires more resources than are currently available to me.
For example, I've run out of cake.
But I'm okay! Or I will be. I feel horribly guilty because I actually have one last holiday meme fic to finish. Maybe it would be a good idea to go do that now instead of wallowing in sugar and self-loathing? Yeah, that would probably be helpful.
How have you guys been?