Superman for Sale - final two chapters, in three parts

Jan 19, 2009 12:31

Sorry, I didn't post this last week like I'd promised.   Real life wasn't cooperating much, I had the first (Chapter 14) done by when I'd promised, but not the next one. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging at the end of it... (Read it and you'll see what I mean and probably agree with me.)

The epilogue is still to come, but this chapter and the two parts of the 15th are the end.

I can't believe this has story has gone on so long.  I posted the first update on a strange day for me, August 6th, 2006.

For most of the world that date is the anniversary of Hiroshima, for me that particular day was also the 25th anniversary of my father's death and the 74th Anniversary of his birth.

I don't remember why I picked that particular day to post, it just happened then. However, I'd also posted the first bit to another fic that day, my sole Clana fic, Restraint, but it makes no sense in looking back.  Maybe I was trying to get my mind off what day it was, but now it's been a long slow unraveling of this story, but I'm happy I was finally able to finish it and glad that so many have stuck with me on this...

Here are the last three bits:

Fourteen | Fifteen A | Fifteen B

These updates total over 13,000 words and the story so far (not including the epilogue, which I haven't written yet, is over 73,000 words and 139 pages in Word...)

index, supes for sale

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