What I wrote in 2008

Jan 02, 2015 12:37

I saw a couple of people do this in my flist, so I thought I'd do it too.

Posted in reverse order of appearance:

Superman for Sale  - Clex Mostly R, NC-17 in some chapters: WIP, the first section was posted on 8-6-06 and last updated 12/15/08 completed 1/19/09 (except for the epilogue)
Summary: Clark goes missing and Lex tries to figure out why.  He ends up "buying" Superman from a kidnapper, who had put him under a spell... Clark agrees to live with Lex to "pay him back" for the ransom he'd paid, but things don't go as well as Lex would have hoped once Superman moves in.

How Gay is Superman? - Clex, PG-13, two parts, humor, future-fic: posted 7-13-08
Part 1 | Part 2

Summary: Lois outs Superman in a cover article in the Advocate. Lex, seeing a new opportunity, makes sometimes clumsy moves on the lovable Big Dumb Alien.

Strange and Beautiful - Clex R, Dark, song-fic, one-shot: posted 7-2-08
Summary: Lex decides to take what he thinks is his....

Not Clark - Clois, NC-17: completed story posted in two parts on 5-11-08
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary:  Lois spends a Saturday night alone and Superman makes an unexpected visit.

Essaay: " Conflict isn't just for fights"
Posted only on superhero_muses  on 1/21/08
See it HERE.
Summary:  Conflict's vital to help create a compelling story, I explain and go into how I use conflict in this essay.

fic, index

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