interview meme

Oct 14, 2008 15:52

Here's how this works:

Leave me a comment saying "interview me."

I will ask you five questions.

Post the answers on your lj and then interview your friends!

Here are the questions morganichele  asked me:

1. What is your favorite icon, and why?
I like the darling-baby-model-Tom icon...  He was adorable back then!  ivorykiss  made the icon for me!

2. Which season of Smallville is your favorite and why?
I really liked the 6th season, it was the most solid in terms of fewer duds (no nearly complete bombs, unless you really hate Lana), but the probably the 5th season was the best in terms of overall story arcs. The introduction of Brainiac was awesome and Tom did some of his best acting in Splinter, Reckoning and Vengeance. but there were some awful episodes.  I LOATHED Tomb.  Even though I generally like Chloe, I usually really hate Chloe-centric episodes.  Don't know why that is....  I am liking the 8th season so far, but it's too early to tell how this one will shake out.  Tom hasn't had a really strong episode yet this season, but in general I like the direction they're going in so my hopes are high.

3. Out of all the Halloween costumes you've ever worn, which one did you like the best?
I really liked it when I dressed up as a kitten for a party when I was in college.  That was when I was young and skinny and had boobs to die for... *grins* If I remember correctly, I got some attention for that costume too... *winks*

4. Do you have any pets, and if so, what are their names?
We have a dog, a yellow lab named Molly, and a cat, he's an orange tabby named Simba.

5. When you're feeling happy, what color do you usually reach for to wear?
Blue, but I mostly wear blue so it's not a hard decision to decide what to wear!  *g*


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