Fic Rec - Captive Prince

Aug 27, 2008 12:27

freece just updated her wonderful story again, Captive Prince.

If you haven't checked it out, I highly, highly recommend it.  I don't usually like political shenanigans in fics, but what's happening in this story is so awesome, I've read and reread this so I can properly absorb every nuance of the complicated goings-on.

Laurent and Damen are such complicated characters, there are mysteries that need to be uncovered still, and the twists and turns have all been so awesome.  Also, her style is spare and elegant and her descriptions are vivid, so of course I'm addicted.

It's an original fiction that is so intriguing, please give it a try.  The Unresolved Sexual Tension is off the charts and she ended this with yet another terrific cliff-hanger, and I love a good cliffy almost more than anything else in a fic....

If you read this and get hooked like me, you won't regret it.

Story title: Captive Prince
Story type: Original, M/m
Rating: R, adult content, WIP
Word Count: 5000 this part, 22,000 thus far
Summary: Damen is the true heir to the throne, but when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity and sent to serve the prince of a rival nation as a pleasure slave.

Previous: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 |

Latest: Chapter Four 

fic rec

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