Story Rec

Nov 09, 2007 21:17

I've become quite the Clark/Bruce fan of late.  Maybe it's because the Clex TC fics have come fewer and further between, but I am a huge fan of

Her " Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji" has probably some of the best torture!Clark I think I've ever read.

The story is about Clark and Bruce taking four trips to Japan in different seasons.  As jen writes, Bruce wants to examine all the sides of Clark like the famous works that depicted the titular 36 Views of Mt Fuji. They are both attracted to each other from the beginning and don't even realize it.

It can funny and poignant and exciting.

Tonight's chapter actually had me crying.


So beautiful.   Not only is it a love letter to the love the two men have for each other as it grows, but its a love letter to japan as well.

Jen lives in Japan and her descriptions of their culture is fond and loving at times.  There's a grace to her prose... The TC is just icing.

I highly recommend it.

reading rec

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