Aug 21, 2004 01:43
HEy well i finally survived the first week of school! YAY! so only a few of my friends are in just a few of my classes, but ive learned to love my classes that no one is in. THat way i won't get in trouble for talking to much in class so maybe i can get better grades this year. ha
Tonight i went to panda express with jackie, and then we went over to blockbuster to get movies, but when we came out my car had died ahh! SO jack came and picked us up and took us over to my moms school to pick up our other car ( my parents are out of town and my dad picked my mom up after work and she left her car there) so thank god a had a car otherwise i would have been stuck!
well after that i went over to this kid tucker's house. It was kind of stupid though cuz i didn't know many people there, so hopefully tomorrow will be better! ok bye!