Mod introduction post!

Oct 27, 2007 22:35

Greetings, everyone! And welcome to dm_nanites!

I'm your friendly mod, known to some of you as Shard-mun. I also go by Manda, if you like. My character list can be found here, if you like.

I'm still doing some futzing around with the comm, so things may change over the next few days. So far, though, I rather like it. It's mostly going to be the feel of the comm and link names. I'm having way too much fun with that so far.

Please feel free to write up an introduction post to let us know what you're writing and where we may find it. This is not mandatory! I'm not going to send you into the hall if you don't want to do it. Everybody is welcome. Even the lurkers.

I want everyone to have fun. However, please remember that you're not in character here. If you're being an asshat, expect to be called on it. And while I am a kind and benevolent dictator, I will not hesitate to smack people with the modstick if necessary.

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