Happy Halloween

Oct 31, 2007 11:16

NaNoWriMo kicks off at midnight.

For those of you who haven't signed up at naniwrimo.org, I'd really recommend it, if only for the weekly encouragements send out in e-mail and the chance to run your finished novel through the word-count system and get a certificate for winning. It's shiny and you can frame it.

On a different subject, Chris Baty has also written a book on the NaNoWriMo adventure. In it, he has several suggestions to make it more the half-crazed, fun experience that it should be. One of the suggestions is music, lots of it, whatever gets you in the mood.

For writing, I really like music that fits the scene. Soundtracks work well with this, unless the song you're listening too is associated too much with scene it comes from.

Anyone have any musical preferences when it comes to writing?
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