Jan 20, 2007 01:47
I'm laughing my ass off at all the commentaries Craig Ferguson throws out at the audience (and his interviews...in which he never finishes his coffee) and I'm marveled at how funny a Scot can be in the middle of Los Angeles...really really far away for Edinburg (or Edinburough...WTH).
The only thing I kinda don't like is that he thinks the Mayans were South American and that they built Machu Pichu (I have to put my foot down because the Incas were a great people...without the Mayans).
Now I'll talk about the real deal at hand.
Why can't I be a total jerk and make asinine comments like I used to? (not that they're really asinine...it's just there is no place for discretion in such a rotten society like mines)
It's like "WTF...something is wrong with me if I can't make myself to be a total asshole who is always right, but nonetheless an asshole"...it really does concern me. I feel like I'm dead inside.
My own society makes me feel like there is need to be a total asshole, because everybody is being so stupidly nice and retardedly inefficient.
I'd first be Adolf Hitler than be someone who wants to think everything in his country is okay. Which is completely questionable if I'm talking about the U.S., but I'm talking about god damned Mexico here.
It's NOT okay to laugh at doom or at a difficult problem. It's NOT okay to smile while the entire northern country is built on top of drug money. It's NOT okay to inconvenience people on a bus just because you're drunk and full of shit in your craneal chamber.
Okay so Germany has the guilt of WWII on their shoulders and Russia has the guilt of being too proud...but that is fucking normal and mature guilt. It's their fucking guilt, not the fucking false guilt the church gives us for being a bastard country full of wanton S.O.B.'s
I'd rather feel guilty for having been authentically evil (I mean evil all the way) than because somebody makes me pretend I should be guilty of my own existence...for God sakes, save that for the child of Brother and Sister that had incest, or for a mother-son, father-daughter spawn (and even then it wasn't the poor kids fault for having sick parents).
I don't belong in the states, because I know that would be running away from my problems. Mexico is the reason I have a life plan at all - I can't go back to that innocent profile of a life when I was a kid in the states. My father made it pretty sure (to his everlasting guilt) that I could never go back to that kind of happiness in the states, though that doesn't mean I shouldn't go back to Maryland to face the demons of my past.
If anything, God made me to be a survivor of something...it could well be the survival of my country's abortive legacy. The past is meant to die and leave ruins - I'm but one of a few children who are gonna have to build his temples from scratch (that is if I ever wanted to leave something behind for my children).
I know my God, and that's all the fucking support I need - Everyone else can just die or follow me - it's my path or their own eternal damnation.
Whoah! Whoop dee doo!
God bless me, I guess I am an asshole after all.