May 30, 2006 01:34 the first word to comes to me when I think about. When I think about it all.
Unmotherly it is to tell your son to go ahead and...kill all the attachment of the people around you. But the last person who I ever trusted with my life and my greatest secrets, has finally left. Eric was the last person I would ever stay around for, but he has left.
I know I will find those I can trust, time and time again in the world, because we want to find each other. But when I turn and see the happy faces that will turn to stone and sublime portraits of indifference, I have to remember that it is the consequence of leaving to find your calling.
Always, the satisfaction of doing what you were brought to do on this earth, will leave you with loneliness and with a everbinding dependancy on you and your gift. You have also an unwavering faith that'll be your torch. Something takes your faith or that gift away and you lose forever your reason to be.
You are defined by your craft, whether it be raising the good and all-loving family some dream of all their lives or playing that saxophone to the moon for eternity to are always going to be defined by your purpose in life, nothing more and nothing less. Your faith is maintained by the mountain of accomplishments you've kept sacred in your memoirs.
True love can cross oceans and mountains. Although distance is a real dilemma, it also heals. I will welcome the day when I ahve only so few in the world I can truly trust and I am thousands of miles away from each...because I will strive to be stronger and be better, so that one day, those thousands of miles will seem a meaningless gesture to cross.
My life has just been laid out before me...I will leave PROTECO, the faculty, the university and eventually the whole country...even if.
Muuchin is right...something more precious and more deserving of my attention is waiting for me in the unknown.
Tommorrow I will set the record straight...and I will say my goodbyes to some...I have betrayed the sanctity of their comfort, I will betray their notions of security, I will betray their loyalty to the idea that we grow up together. None of us, not even the most powerful, can truly ask anyone in the world to stay with them all through the tempest that is life.
You can't honestly betray your happiness and wait for anybody.
Fly free, fly far and fly to God...but you will fly alone.
This will be my last post...find me at in a few weeks.