Sep 14, 2005 21:08
Well I gues its about damn time for an update...
Well school is back in, and it has been for some time now, I am doing a lot better this year. On a side note, i seemed to have a lot of things I wanted to write about, but now that i am doing it, I'm not thinking of anything interesting, but i promised myself I will update regularly.
I got a job at New York Pizza and have been working there for a few weeks, its hard work but some cool dudes work there so we have fun, although I would like to get some more hours or maybe become a cook, but I shouldn't get my hopes up to high, I'm not even sure the owner knows I work there yet.
Ok here is the big thing... fuck paintball, finally, fuck it, I hate it, its expensive without sponsorship, I have nowhere to play anymore, and I need the money for other things, I have been doing it for so long It has been hard to accept, but now I guess it's time to step out, it is sad to me, a lot of good friendships have come out of it(maybe more enemies), and it has taken me on a lot of adventures, but its not the same anymore, and people just don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy shooting people, winning, and my infamous reputation, but its just not the same anymore, no adrenaline rush, just 1, 2, 3... i win the game... i win the tournament. Anyway, I FEEL LIKE TALKING IN CAPS FOR A SENTENCE OR TWO. just kidding.
bye bye paintball world. I don't know what i will have filling my thoughts constantly anymore. time for a new hobby.
well i "broke up" with caitlin last night, we went out for a while and only saw each other a couple times, i didnt get to see her enough and i just wasnt feeling it, so its all good, im back on the market ladies =P