Prelude to the Storm/ The Line War by Rhiannon (NC-17)

Dec 25, 2005 19:29

Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Author on LJ: gryphonrhi
Author Website:Rhiannon's Eyrie
Why this must be read: Another in the I can't believe that it hasn't already been recc'ed category. By itself, Prelude to the Storm is a great "first-time" story. However, it is also the lead story in the fascinating "Line War" series. I suggest reading the series at least twice, the first time quickly to allow yourself to get caught up by action. Then read it again slowly to enjoy the wonderful language and detail in the story.

The Line War is actually the second series is Rhiannon's Aidan's Universe. However, the first couple of stories in the first arc, Arrivals & Introductions strongly feature her original character, Aidan and some readers might prefer to begin with a Duncan/Methos story.

Prelude to the Storm
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