Distribution Day at Camp Victor

Jun 05, 2007 13:14

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays is distribution day at Camp Victor.  They have case workers that individuals/families have to check in with to see if they qualify to receive supplemental support in the form of groceries or other products such as laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, or even bedding.  With the amount of "odds  and ends" that come in to the distribution center (one of this, 3 of that) they do their best to create some consistancy, but it's never possible to have the EXACT same thing every single time.  They have a master list of items that go into certain bags (grocery bag #1, and grocery bag #2). These bags and packed ahead of time and waiting on a table and some are put in carts to prepare for the first "customer."  Every family that has 5 or less individuals in the home that is approved receives one of each of these bags, a bottle of juice and milk that is packaged specially for longer storage or shelf life. From what I understand, it's actually pretty good milk and tastes very much like any regular 2% milk you can get at the store.

Moving right along - what criteria there are to qualify, I do not know exactly. This is determined by the counselors and coordinators at the site and is their call - it's not up to us and we're merely here to serve and assist these families by collecting what they were allowed and bringing it to them. These people are not allowed to come in and take what they want. They are given the basic essentials that everyone else gets and they take what is put into the bags. They can request certain things like not to have anything that has chocolate in it if there are allergies and those type of needs can be met due to health/diet restrictions, but I only had that happen to me once. Most are quite gracious and quick to give you a hug and a "god bless you" before you head back in to assist the next family.  Families can also request certain things like towels or sheets and, if they are available, these are given to them. If not, they are told to request the item again next week and, if they become available, they can get it next time.  They also only hand out laundry detergent and cleaning supplies on the first week of the month. Which is a good thing because we had completely run out of laundry detergent, bleach, and dish soap by the end of the week and I think they even ran out toward the end. Something else they ran out of was bottles of juice so that got supplemented with some bottles of Gatorade that was donated and waiting to be used. There is a lot of "we do what we can" atmosphere and everyone does their best to supply the things needed.

The temporary (volunteer) warehouse manager (Doug) is from Connecticut, and a wonderfully warm, fun, light-hearted and genuine individual who is incredibly gifted in many ways (spiritually and physically!) He is an avid sportsman and has a regimine he follows starting with an early morning swim, rides his bike everywhere, participates in a yoga class, and loves kayaking in his spare time. I enjoyed my time in "his" warehouse immensely and learned much from him. Camp Victor is going to "lose" him next week when his time here will end and he will be going back to his family in Connecticut. I'm sure he will be missed.

This day in itself was a very enlightening and rewarding experience. One that I shall never forget and only more to come. 

each week

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