Nov 06, 2006 17:48
Go to the online dictionary,, and look up "snafu."
Did anyone else know that etymology of that word? Is this yet another boat I've missed (referring to not know that "AKA" meant "also known as" until I was 19. I was also convinced I was related to Geranimo as a child, and thought that the reason you weighed less in the morning was because of something to do with the moon's gravitational pull. My brother is at fault for Geranimo, and my mother for the moon one. I'm such a dumbass.)
3 entries found for snafu.
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snafu[1,noun]snafu[2,adjective]snafu[3,transitive verb]
Main Entry: 1sna·fu
Pronunciation: sna-'fü, 'sna-"fü
Function: noun
Etymology: situation normal all fucked up (fouled up)
: a situation marked by errors or confusion : MUDDLE; also : an error causing such a situation