Deep Breath...and go

Jan 08, 2007 21:01

Clearly I am not supposed to have a blog. I never keep it up to date and I rarely sit down when I have a spare moment (which is a lot) and say to myself "I must write my Livejournal entry..."

Anyway, I think I should continue to write one, as I am sure one day I will go completely senile, and will need to be reminded about my more youthful years.

Since Hallowe'en a lot has happened. Of course, otherwise the task of updating wouldn't be nearly as daunting.

Firstly, I feel I should talk about the thing that all Brits have to suffer once every year. Pantomime. Only with me it's not so much one performance, as 110. Urgh...that's right, 25 November until 3 February. And should people who didn't know some of the involvees of the panto be reading this, I would say a lot more. Case closed.

Then it was a trip to New York for Chanukah. It was lovely, especially as we got to see Lori and Julie the day after we arrived. Then on Monday, it was a suprise for me that I had REALLY not been expecting. Sue and Don (Mim's parents) had got me tickets to see my beloved Rangers play at the Garden! So, before the game Mim and I decide that we'll go uptown to get a drink near the Garden and we'll get to our seats good'n'early in case it's manic getting in. We went to Niles Restaurant at 271 7th Avenue.
It was a nice (if a little expensive) option before the game. However, I do think I was the only fan in the Garden who had got pumped up pre-game on Pinot rather than Pilsner...anyway! Miriam insisted we got cotton candy/candy floss, which I agreed to reluctantly. When I say reluctantly, it was more that I pretended to be a super-hard Pinot drinking hockey fan, who wouldn't even consider the option of cotton candy and a hat if my wife wasn't there. The game was awesome, and was made better by the Rangers winning 2-1 against Florida. There's just something about seeing players that good play their guts out...and my god are they big...I always forget that part...or block it out.

The photos were taken before the game, as you're not allowed flash photography during the game...I guess in case one of the big m###erfu##ers gets angry and hits you square between the eyes with a puck, stick, skate or worse, fist.

I think it was the next day, or the day after, that we went to see the Drowsy Chaperone on Broadway.

Since I saw this hysterically funny musical comedy, I have been asked many times the question: "What's it about Dan?" and I have to admit...I'm alays at a loss to describe it. Mainly through lethargy and desire to eat the frozen Cheesburgers that Tesco have just delivered, I will simply do this:

But take it from's GREAT!

Other than lots of family visiting, the rest of the week was pretty relaxed. Then on Thursday (I think), we went to have dinner with Lori, Julie and Karen in the Bronx...waaaayyyy up north...many jokes were cracked about the Bronx being almost artic compared to the relatively southern climate of Tribeca... It was LOVELY! Especially the Christmas Fajitas...which kick Turkey's ass anyday!

Julie, Lori, Mim

Lori, Dan, Mim


Then it was time to leave, so we took the subway downtown, and due to my ever growing confidence on it, got stuck in the Village at about 1am because I had decided to switch from the 9 to the C, and then the C wanted to turn into the F so we had to get off. We ended up having a little walk to find a cab and eventually got home...with a disgruntled Mim, bitching about how Brits shouldn't be allowed onto the Subway.

On Saturday we came back to the UK. I had a week at work, and then it was Christmas.

We spent Christmas day with my immediate family in Ashwell, which was lovely. Miriam and I got lots of adult type, married gifts, which of course we loved and have actually used all but one of them in the kitchen already!

Boxing day is the day when the REST of the family comes to Ashwell. My three cousins (except this year the eldest of which had decided to have a 19 year old temper tantrum and not come, so we had my 14-year-old cousin's boyfriend in his place!), all the grandparents and my Uncle and Aunt. This year was notable for the fact that my 16-year-old cousin had just got his first ever paycheck, and then decided to spend it in the Rose and Crown pub across the road from my parents. Uh yeah, 16 and drinking like a fish....did I mention my uncle, his dad, is a police officer? Oy! Needless to say we encouraged this disgraceful behaviour, mostly because we were steaming too!

Next on the alcoholic horizon was New Year. Miriam and I were classically disorganised, to the point that at 4.45pm I called my mum to see what she was up to that night. She asked me in return, and I said, I think we're going to cook ourselves a nice meal, and then go out later. My mum paused on the phone, and said..."Really?! Do you have food?". "No" I reply. "Dan, It's 4.45 on New Year's where will be open!". "Shit".

Luckily a late call around the restaurants in Hitchin provided the perfect (again, if a little expensive) solution to our dilemma. We had dinner at No.12 Bar and Restaurant, which is an amazingly chic (if I may say so, New York style) restaurant in the middle of Hitchin, which had agreeable food, good wine, great dessert and an American waitress. PERFECT. (Although I did guess that she was which she replied "OH MY GOD NO! But you were close! Wisconsin!". detection of Cannucks must be suffering.) Anyway, after our meal it was on to the Corn Exchange in Hitchin to meet up with Miriam's friends. I got atrociously fact...I was so drunk that, not only was I dancing (with all the right moves) to Greased Lightning, but I apparently called Lori at midnight to say Happy New Year!...It was, however, a few days later, that Lori reminded me...and the memory still hasn't come back to me! The next day, I couldn't move for fear that my head would no longer be attached to my head.

Since then, I have been sick, and whilst I do not associate it with alcohol, I'm sure it can't be too unrelated.

Right...New Year's update Livejournal more.
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