[Update] Super Long Post

Jun 03, 2014 19:13

It has been 4months since my last post, and it's Pink to Gray #05 update! The last chapter was 5 months, I shall aim to get it done before 5 months. However, this post is not about Pink to Gray update, just my own update (you are warned for long post)

1) University (not that long)
One year has passed and I'm graduating soon *clap* Well I hope I can. I believe I have quite a good result with no credit (yet). However, the last module is just sux! It's all about peer evaluations. If the person doesn't like me, no matter how much I have done, most likely I will get a low mark. (Yup, that's how my classmates.)

Nevermind, I'm not gonna care anymore. This course doesn't teach much. If any Singaporean or PR wants to apply SIM-RMIT Communication Design, I will encourage you to just find another university. UNLESS you are either a) RICH, b) Just getting an 1-year certificate, c) waste of time only.

2) Pink to Gray (same length)
Yes, like I mentioned, I will try to not break my record of 5months. Actually, the biggest problem I have with the scanlation is I do not have a translator! I have received many PMs regarding of the raws, I will like to clarify, I have all the raws and what I need is a translator. CHINESE ->ENGLISH or JAPANESE ->ENGLISH. I have both copies. My english and japanese isn't that good therefore I need help. Please contact me if you can help~

And also, "Pink to Gray via Lost n Found" fans, thanks for the support and comments. We will not give up on this project even if most of the fans had read the manga. Our aim is to get all done and uploaded on the manga website! Even non-news/shige fans will read!

3) To-do-list (all point-form)
Since I'm kind of free now...

a) Prepare "found" birthday present
b) Update LJ regular from now on (or at least with related subject)
c) Pink to Gray project
d) New plan for LnF scanlation
e) Signatures & Fanart
f) Find a Job
g) Update all profile pictures and banners etc
h) Portfolio website
i) Take photo more
j) Sing and sing
k) Join more events
l) Volunteering work

These are the things I want to do... I hope I can do it.

4) Updates within the 4 months (full of pictures)
I can't really remember all events/occassions. I have only photos for those.


This was actually received from a dear NIF friend, last year christmas. Since I was taking photos, I just took this as well =)
Thank you so much, I love the 4 of them most in NEWS!

Star Awards 2014, Show 2
I managed to won 4 tickets, from Channel 8 and MEClub. However, I got a ticket from YYFC (Yvvone's Yverlasting fanclub), so I gave my 4 tickets to my mum, sister and 2 nephews. This is a rare chance, so must let my mum experiences it!
Those polaroids are the local artistes that I managed to take with. Polaroid is very useful! You can get the signature on spot~
(Although you need to wait till the film to come out, by time hopefully they have not gone. AND make sure some colours come out, because some of them will be confuse, why you let them sign on blank film)


I got this from one of sgpaanas@LJ comment contest.
I was supposed to collect it on Koyama's celebration day, organised by them. I was prepared to go as well, but I sicked =( Got fever... They have to mail it to me instead. When I received, I saw that ticket! That was one of the event I missed too, couldn't remember why I didn't go. But I was so happy and appreciate that they actually had a ticket for me!

Last but not least... My 3rd sister is getting married and of course I'm one of the 'sisters'. Thanks to my niece, we need to find blue dress, and now i discover, blue doesn't suit me! Why no green!

Edit: OH! Just remembered that I bought NEWS Piano collections! Ordered from Kinokuniya, without shipping fee, and it's cheaper by $1, moreover, I got Kino staff discount 30%, it's even cheaper!!! And I have ordered NEWS One-For the Win Box set, with the Jersey! That will be the first Jersey I owned! Hope it get here safely =D

OK Have you read all? It's ok to not read, I rather not bored you readers. I shall start doing some of the list.

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