Random and funny things observed while traveling.
Southern Trip Edition
When I was on trio, we stayed in "camp accomodations". You know, a sweaty-smelling room with humidity way too high, no air conditioning, with 14 other guys who have vowed not to sleep? And the shower you get to use is a concrete bunker with no windows and nobody bothered to change the light bulb, with cracks in the wall so large you can see through them, and 2 inches of standing black water in the bottom? (You think I'm exaggerating - ask me about some stories!)
Well, guess what the ADULTS stay in!? I am apparently old enough now to be an adult. I had a double-bed, A/C, and a private bath at most of the camps I went to!! Check out the best one:
One camp I went to had a resident peacock. I didn't know these things can fly, often hang out in trees, and crow ...!
Road Names are always interesting. But you don't have to be a genius to name a street. Here's some I spotted:
"Cross St"
"Minor Rd"
"Frontage Rd"
What's the next ones? "Narrow Rd" and "City St"? LOL
I just love the Signs you see along the roads:
"Caution: School". No kidding!
"Wi-Fi Hot Tub" - this I've got to see!
"Clay Building Supply" - convenient last name :)
"To Future 26-W" -- We only had enough money for the sign, lol. Go ahead, take the exit. Right now, you launch of a bridge that's yet to be completed, but in a couple years, we'll have that fixed!
Ok, seriously - a hotel sign that says "Clean and Nice Folks"? That's what I look for in a hotel.
"Horseback Riding Zip Lines" - sign me up! This sounds like the adventure of a lifetime! LOL
"Camping -- Next Right" - in light of recent events, I found this extremely comical. (For those of you who are wondering, Mr. Camping predicted the world was going to end, and was wrong. He predicted again ...)
"New Steak Menu!" - They discovered that old steaks don't sell well.
"Go to church or the devil will get you" - Sorry guys, but I had to laugh. On a billboard? For adults?
"Heavy Traffic Can Be Such a Blessing ..." (Unfortunately for the advertiser, the trees had grown so tall no one could read the next line ...)
"World's Largest Sheet Sets" -- huh? Unfortunatly no one makes beds this size. :( (I believe this was a problem of placement on the sign. I think World's Largest was supposed to go with "As Seen on TV", but well, they put it iin the wrong place.)
"Sweet Local Peaches" - Spent the next 3 minutes trying to figure out if this was advertising a dating service ...
"Kodak UMC" - Come experience a God-Moment! ... I mean a Kodak-Moment ...
"The Church" - Yup, that was their name. Says it all.
Ok, I thought this hilarious! "Department of Mental Retardation" Please call if you would like to become more retarded ...
I thought this department was housed in DC!
Just compare the "Uses Most Energy" rating with the "This model uses: "
1) They found it necessary to explain "qualified person".
2) "Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or explosion." Yeah, a friend of mine tried to service his own water heater. He must have done something wrong. He exploded.
P.S. Sorry I don't have pictures for all these signs, but I hear it's quite dangerous to take pictures while trying to drive ;)