(Definition Alert: Please note that "life" as used below refers to the way the world works, NOT to the actual living and breathing, of which I am quite in favor.)
Be it known that I hate this World, Life, and all its encumbrances.
I am no longer entirely naive, as I was in my first warring days.
Then, I denounced Life as a boastful youth scoffs about a giant wrestler's strength. He was easy to laugh at, for he existed "only in my mind." I bemoaned the state of those who mindlessly followed his dictates. I had a thousand theories of how I would avoid him, challenge him, correct him. Then I met him . . .
Now, I know the wrestler. I have met him, and indeed, he is as large as Life itself.
And yet I stand against him, even though I stand alone. I no longer scoff in ignorance; I now oppose with the full knowledge that my foe can squash me in an instant. But it does not matter. I hate him; I despise him, and I cannot take his side. I stand opposed on principle, against the greatest foe. I stand in defiance, knowing that I shall lose.
But the offence I must take is greater still, for the wrestler owns all the weapons. Indeed, nothing can be done which he does not approve. I am nothing but a flea screaming defiance at a tank; the wrestler cares nothing about me. I am forced, if I wish to do anything, to accept his methods. All the turf is his. To fight against the wrestler, I must obey him.
So now I obey, but with defiance in my heart. So now I live according to his dictates, but I do not agree with his way. So now I am a slave, but am always looking to escape. So now I work for the man I hate.
I fear that in the future, I shall accept his ways without question. The wrestler will no longer have to beat me, and force me to submission. I fear that I will have lost my will. I shall completely adopt the ways of Life; I shall perform every jot of the law I now hate. I shall agree with the wrestler.
But will I ever love him?
Please read my thoughts upon meeting this giant wrestler: